The Organisation (Detective Jane Sparrow Book 1) Read online

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  “Detective how can I be of service?”

  “I’d like you to take a look at this photo and tell me what you see.”

  “Ok, oh right I see Mr. York I hope for your sake you followed my earlier instructions and this isn’t a photo from surveillance I told you to leave the father be did I not?”

  “No Sir you miss understand this is a photo caught on the cctv from camera inside the pub from which Valerie brooks went missing. It’s a tad suspect don’t you think that six days after he found out that his only child was brutally murdered he shows up in the exact same pub as our second victim.”

  “Ok Detective you have made your point what are you after here?”

  “Well Sir I would like permission to look into the backgrounds of the parents more and to go and talk to Mr. York about this.”

  “Fine but under no circumstances are you to make it look and feel like this department is implying that he had anything to do with these murders. Under no situation are you to accuse him do I make myself clear. Now he is a lawyer so be prepared for him to request a warrant before he answers any more questions, which might I add you don’t have sufficient evidence or grounds to gain one. One photo from a local pub will not do. Talking to Mr. York probably isn’t going to get you anywhere so go in prepared.”

  “That is going got be a problem I have a feeling all were going to get is threats against the department and lawyer talk. Your right about being prepared though I need to check some facts with the rest of the team about timings and get onto forensics see if they did find anything in her drink because we couldn’t find CCTV footage to support that. I will keep you updated Sir and I will tread carefully when it comes to Mr. York, thank you for your time and help.”

  As much as Jane hated herself for it she loved it when her boss got that look about him that was saying ok you were right the father is dodgy, petty I know but hey small victories and all that.

  “Ok guys listen up we got lots to do and we only have a couple of days left on the clock for Valerie. There is information that needs to be gathered before this can go any further. We need to check timings at the pub CCTV I need to know when Mr. York arrived was it the same time as Valerie or after. When did he leave when was she outside where was he the clearest picture we can create on this the better. Because we couldn’t find any CCTV footage of Valerie’s drink being spiked we need to get onto the forensic lab chase the answers. We need to collate the evidence from our police canvassing of our six suspects.”

  “Ok well we heard from forensic there was trace amounts of rohypnol in the glass but we couldn’t find any footage to support who put it in there. But we know her drink was definitely spiked so we know that’s why she left the pub to get some fresh air. Timing wise Mr. York arrived at the pub ten minutes after Valerie and left five minutes before she went outside. The canvassing didn’t go to well 4 didn’t answer the door at all and two did. The two that did answer the door no longer live alone. Ed Simmons our favorite on the list didn’t answer the door but spotted the police and tried to make a break out the back door and down the alley. Turned out he had been growing his own weed farm and he thought he had been caught for that. So pretty much that canvas turned up no major suspect.”

  “Ok well that is disappointing where are we with the paper analysis and linguistic expert?”

  “The paper analysis showed that the letters were written on the same type of paper that is stocked in one office supplies shop locally and it’s only offices up London that use it as stationary. We checked Valerie Brook’s company does not. The linguistic expert was convinced that the letter was written by the same person and has handed over copies of the letters to a trained psychologist to see whether they can give any insight to the person that wrote them. Were checking now with the local office supplies shop to see if they have any record as to who buys this brand of paper.”

  “Ok that’s good I think what we need to do is go back to the original list before we took any one of. Go back to the car ownership list we got from the DMV. Wait, Wait why didn’t I think of this Ian what was the registration of the car that William Spear reported stolen?”

  “Yeah sure boss hold on one sec I’ve got it here, there we go it was ST58 DN8. That could be our car it was a dark blue ford escort s registration 58 in year exactly what our witness described. The killer stole William Spears car and used it to kidnap Jennifer York and dump her body it’s why he didn’t mind it being seen or leaving behind clues. We find the car and it leads us straight back to the registered owner implicating William Spear and leading us down a blind rabbit hole with useless information that isn’t going to help us.”

  “Exactly we started this whole investigation from information we received from witnesses and its lead us down completely the wrong path. What about the taxi that was seen pulling into the pub? Oh and can we check what brand of paper Mr. York’s office uses and what Valerie brooks parents do for a living.”

  “Ok well Valerie Brooks mum Stephanie Brooks is a stay at home mum like Mrs. York and Valerie’s father Patrick Brooks is oh wait he is a cab driver. The paper Mr. York’s company uses is similar but more expensive as to what he uses for his home office will have to wait until we hear back from the shop.”

  “Ok well we need to know what company he drives for and as to whether he was working when Valerie disappeared. Most taxi firms now have GPS signals in their cars so they can tell where their drivers have been, so lets see if his company can tell us where he was. Tell you what Ian why don’t you take a trip down to the office supplies shop see if you cant get them to speed along looking through there records. Do we know if the parents have any overlap at all we checked the victims and they didn’t but we never checked the parents to see if they may overlap?”

  “I’ll get down there now you should check with PC Jack Collins he has been working on the parents angle from the beginning so we didn’t draw too much notice for doing so. So chase him see if he has the information you need.”

  “Good, Good thank you Ian take Amy with you I’m going to stay here and collate the information see if I can get a new path to take this investigation down, and see if I can get in touch with the psychologist that is looking over the letters. We may only have two days left on the clock for Valerie.”

  Jane sat there for a few minutes and contemplated just getting up and walking out of the station and never coming back. The sickening feeling at the bottom of her stomach that they were about to lose another girl and was no where near catching the person responsible was almost too much to bear. But Jane thought that if she were to leave they would stand even less of a chance. Pc Jack Collins came over with a folder and a full cup of steaming black coffee but decided it was best to leave them with Jane and her thoughts rather than stay. Jane began to flick through the folder. Patrick Brooks worked for the same firm as the taxi in the CCTV footage and it happened to be his exact car but he was indeed on probation for leaving his vehicle un attended and unsecured leading to it being stolen on the evening before. The person responsible for stealing it was smart enough to disable to GPS tracking system so the cab firm were unable to help any further. Mrs. Brooks and Mrs. York both do varying different charity work on differing days so there is a chance they run in the same circle but also a chance not as the two of them are never in the same place as the other and have very different social economic standings. Mr. York is obviously a lawyer but also owns several different properties including another house, two flats and a warehouse. All of which have been checked several times. The house is rented out to a newly married couple, one flat to an older retired couple and the second flat to two males. The warehouse has been checked on several occasions and on each attempt the warehouse has been empty. The one thing that Jack had found that the families had in common was attending several seminars and donating various amounts to the organization that was based on how to help the youth of today.

  “Wait Jack you have found a connection between our two families.”

Yeah I’ve been looking into this organization all day and bits and bits of their mantra is eerily, creepy similar to our killer’s letters. One of their quotes on their website is to ‘purge the sins from youth and wash away the dirt from their soul so they can leap forward into an eternal future’ creepy right. The parents definitely would of known each other the seminars are only catered for up to twenty adults. And now because of the amount both of these families have donated they have become honorary members of the organization. I looked into it and found that they are holding a seminar tomorrow.”

  “That’s great work Jack do you really think that this organization could have something to do with the kidnappings and murder though?”

  “I don’t know their website seems pretty legitimate but some of their ways seem pretty cult like. I’m looking into the founder and leader of the organization hopefully that will answer a few more questions.”

  “Ok well let me know I’m going to go see if I can track down that psychologist.”

  Several minutes later Jane had managed to schedule an appointment with the psychologist for four pm that gave Jane enough time to write up a report. One to give to her supervisor to keep him up to date with the new information and another copy to take with her the meeting with the psychologist. Jane had come up with a theory from the new information that they had found and needed the opinion of the psychologist to see whether he deemed it plausible all Jane needed then was a way to prove it. Jane’s theory was that the parent’s that belonged to the organization had hatched a plan on how to help their children. She believed that a different parent would go along to where the intended victim was and drug them, but it was the actual parent that drove along and took them to the unknown location. The parents of the victim then leave them there with the rest of the members of the organization who then perform the torture. Probably while trying to convince the victim to confess their sins. When the victim fails to do this they eventually die from exsanguination from the wounds that have been inflicted. The York’s daughter proves this she died no doubt her parents were told that she would not confess her sins it ran too deep and they could not save her soul. Multiple people committing the torture would be consistent with the wound pattern. It’s why when Jane first looked at the victim and the medical report it confused her to be a disorganized or young offender. But when you take a step back it could also read as multiple offenders. Each carrying out an act of torture trying to get her to say what they want to hear. It’s why there was so many different ways and different depths and types of gashes some were more cautious than others. It also explains how the victims were both taken from their location without there being any signs of a struggle, the victim knew their kidnappers. Although Jane had thought that as much as Patrick Brook’s company had reported his taxi stolen it was still quite reckless for them to use it in the kidnapping of his own daughter. Jane believed that the founder and leader of the organization were behind the letter and the posing of the bodies at the scene. Jane believed that the leader uses his influence on the parents that what they are doing is for the good of their children.

  Jane emailed the report with the information to her supervisor and left the station for her meeting. Jane hoped that by the time she got back Ian and Amy would be back at the station with some good news from the shop.

  Chapter 11

  Jane arrived at the address the psychologist had given her for his office it was in a tall dark grey office block. It seemed so cold, dark and uninviting. Jane hoped that he didn’t have too many patients that needed inspiring or cheering up for that matter because this mundane office block that was repeated down the whole length of the street certainly would not do it. Jane walked into the office feeling rather disheartened when she was greeted with quite a shock as she stepped into the foyer. It was so full of light. There were full green houseplants in every corner a ceiling so high it made the room seem so free in space. The marble floor, the bright magnolia walls that were encapsulated with certificates and exuberant art. Jane was shocked to find that she hadn’t even noticed the receptionist sitting patiently with the most warm and welcoming smile as Jane was taking in her surroundings.

  “Sorry I am Detective Jane Sparrow I have an appointment with Doctor Tad Woodrow.”

  “Oh yes we have been expecting you please take a seat the doctor is just finishing up with his last patient he wont be a moment. I am Anita Farrow it’s very nice to meet you please do not hesitate to ask if there is anything I can do. Can I offer you a refreshment of any kind?”

  “No that’s very kind thank you.”

  The receptionist went back to shuffling the papers on her desk and filing but continued to watch Jane as she studied her surroundings even more. Jane had only just come to realize that there was some mellow music playing somewhere softly in the background. Jane hoped that the doctor wouldn’t leave her waiting too long as she had found herself engulfed in the comfiest armchair possible with the very decent option of being able to fall asleep. Jane relaxed down into the chair and as she did she couldn’t help but let her thoughts drift towards Perry. Jane had promised herself that while at work she would stay focused but while she was waiting her thoughts could not control themselves. Jane wondered that as Perry carried her to the bed last night whether he was cheeky enough to take a peak at her naked body under her dressing gown. Jane may be forty but she found herself still really pleased with her body. Her boobs were still ample in size and relatively perky. Her nipples were in proportion in size with the rest of her boobs. Her stomach was relatively flat as she curved down into her hips that led to her bottom that she always believed to be her best feature. The sculpted mound of pubic hair that sat atop the flesh on her vagina. The thought of Perry’s eyes running across her naked flesh while his sculpted arms held her safe to his chest was enough to set Jane’s heart of racing and tingles of excitement ran through her delicate pussy lips as she began to moisten. Jane became to realize that this train of thought in a public place was not the best of ideas and tried to turn her attention back to the matter at hand. The excitement for seeing Perry later this evening would have to go to the back of her mind, well as far back as she could bare.

  Jane was interrupted by the arrival of Doctor Tad Woodrow stirring her back to her normal state of mind.

  “Hi there you must be Detective Jane Sparrow would you like to come through to my office to discuss the letters I was shown and your theory that you mentioned on the phone.”

  “Thank you Doctor your help and insight will be of great help to our investigation I’m sure you are very renowned and respected in your field.”

  As Jane and the doctor stepped forward into his office Jane again was shocked by how light and bright the interior was. It inspired such a positive outlook, such a contrast to the outside of the building. Jane couldn’t help but hope that on the inside of this mans office that they could solve this case. A childish dream but the brightness of the walls with the covered bookshelf and the neatly organized desk was filling Jane with hope that the Doctor really could have the answers that they needed.

  “Thank you Detective you are a very renowned and accomplished Detective as well. I can tell you from the letter that they are written by the same person. Not only are the linguistics and handwriting a match you can tell by the pressure that the writer puts on the pen in his strokes tells you his mood and the emotion that he is feeling as he writes. And by the way it is definitely a male suspect. Unfortunately for you I get a sense from the letters that as he writes your name it is full of sarcasm and distain. I believe you have met the killer before the letters make the killings more personal like it is a challenge directed at you. From the way he writes about the torture planned and that its art and that he needs to create a set is overruled by his excitement about the torture and the acts of murder. The delusions of have a mission and a message and that these murders are a form of art is definitely only a delusion that one brain could be involved in but I believe that your theory includes more than one kil

  “ Yes like you I believe that the organizer of the murders and the writer of the letters is one person. I believe that this person does all the orchestrating and the dumping and posing of the bodies after they have been killed. But I believe he is a leader and manipulator of a group that he convinces that what they are doing is to help the victim. His mantra is to purge the soul and clean away the dirt in them. I believe that the victims are drugged by a differing member of the group then the victims actual parent kidnap them and drive them to the secondary location where the torture and murder is committed. I don’t believe the parents are involved in this bit of the plan but literally drive them to the location and leave them in the hands of the rest of the group. I believe the leader of this organization selected his honorary members and convinced them that this was the best way to help their children. I believe the honorary members were chosen for who their children were rather than any acts of generosity or membership duties. He is obviously is only interested in parents who have female children. He made it quite clear in his letters that he is only interested in women you could even tell that by the distain in his writing for myself.”