The Organisation (Detective Jane Sparrow Book 1) Read online

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  "No I’m not sure but it doesn't change the fact that I want to see you or the fact that you could probably do with a friendly chat after all that your going through."

  "Your right there well I’ll come over for a bit we can talk and you can give me some more of that winning advice my sweet little skirt."

  "Very funny Perry I’ll see you soon."

  As Jane sat there for a few moments slightly dumbfounded at what she had just started the butterflies of nerves were getting faster in her stomach. The thought had only just crossed her mind as to whether she should put some more clothes on, she was still sitting in her dressing gown. While contemplating what to do she went and poured herself another glass of whisky and went to the bathroom to run a brush through her hair and to compose herself. By the time Jane had managed to do that the doorbell went. Jane opened the door and Perry was standing there with a bottle of wine and a beautiful bunch of flowers.

  "Now you didn't have to bring flowers and wine, god I’m so embarrassed please come in."

  "That's ok please don't be embarrassed I bought them as a thank you. Sorry it's late were you getting ready to go to bed I can come back another evening. I just wanted to let you know I had rang one of them numbers you gave me I’ve got a meeting with them tomorrow morning to discuss how they can help me. So the flowers and the wine are just a thank you which I think you deserve."

  "Wow you definitely were serious about getting that new life and changing. Don't worry about me going to bed I wont sleep for another 3 hours at least. So how say I poor us a glass of that wine as a toast to celebrate a new beginning for you.'

  "That sounds like a great plan but only if you promise to be a part of that new life."

  "Well I’m sure I can manage that."

  Jane and Perry spent the next few hours sitting on the sofa talking and laughing sharing their history and stories together. As much as Jane hated to admit it felt good to have a bloke in her life again even just as platonic as this was at the moment, it was the start of a brand new friendship. After hours of talking they had slowly ended up so they were rather snuggled on the sofa Jane couldn't help but let her eyes close as she drifted of to sleep. Perry carried her to her bed and placed her down and covered her over. Jane stirred slightly as Perry bent down and kissed her on the forehead and told her to sleep tight. Perry was unsure what to do with himself now he didn't want to leave the front door unlocked, he didn't like the idea of Jane not being secure. So he took himself to the sofa and slipped into a deep happy yet perhaps slightly uncomfortable sleep.

  Jane awoke when her alarm went off at seven and was slightly confused as to how she ended up in bed she couldn't remember getting there or Perry leaving. She walked into the kitchen to switch the kettle on to make her morning coffee when she found Perry sleeping who abruptly awoke to Jane's exclamation of surprise.

  "Sorry I didn't mean to wake you I thought when I woke up and you weren't there that you had left."

  "No I didn't want to leave in case it left your door unlocked and unsecured so I took to the sofa I hope that's ok?"

  " Yeah of course it is thank you but you know I do have a double bed that's big enough for the both of us, and probably a lot more comfortable than this old sofa."

  " I noticed that but I didn't want to presume it was ok for me to sleep next to you. My mamma if anything can be proud to say that she raised a gentleman. But I’ll make sure I remember for next time because you’re right about it not being the most comfortable."

  "Good I’m really sorry Perry I would love to be able to spend more time with you this morning but I really am going to have to shoot straight of to work. I hope you don't mind feel free to stay and use the shower and help yourself to anything in the kitchen."

  "No course I don't mind thanks I need to get changed and shower I got that meeting at ten. How about I call you tonight see what time your around?"

  "Yeah that would be great good luck with that meeting let me know how it goes ok. I really hope they can help."

  "Thanks Jane and be careful with yourself and this case ok."

  Jane stepped out her front door and paused for a minute to take a deep breather to compose herself. The thought that she had nearly spent the night with Perry sent tingles down her spine, not just of pleasure but of pure fear that it would not do her job any good if her bosses found out. Jane had just reached her car when her phone buzzed with a text it was from Perry.

  'Jane it was great seeing you last night I can't wait to see you again I hope it isn't too long I hope to be with you tonight be careful Perry XX'

  Jane’s heart fluttered slightly as she read the text and the thoughts she was having about her bosses and piers went straight out the window as more thoughts of Perry drifted in. When Jane arrived at the station there was an unusual amount of buzz in the station and an unusual amount of people crowding her desk. She hoped at least one of them had poured her a cup of coffee because what ever was coming next sure didn't feel like it was going to be good news.

  "Detective there is another letter."

  "Ok thanks Ian get onto the lab and let them know were be sending in another letter. Routine as normal prints paper analysis I want to know what brand if it’s the same as the last letter. And see if you can get hold of a linguistic expert confirm that this is the same guy writing these letters thanks Ian."

  "Will do boss and prepare yourself for this letter it's a lot more graphic than the last.'

  "Thanks Ian."

  Jane sat down at her desk and suddenly the elated feeling she had this morning when she left had dissipated. All she was left with was the sense of dread.

  ‘Ah Jane my dear

  I am so sorry you must feel so deceived

  You see I just couldn’t resist the lovely Valerie. I know I said you had till the 26th but the perfect opportunity came knocking for the next step in my masterpiece.

  I must cleanse her spirit, her body as lovely as Valerie is I’m sure she is riddled with dirt.

  I will wash her clean from the inside out I will make her burn for the sins she has committed.

  And then she will be ready for her reveal.

  You must know Jane there is nothing you can do to stop this I must complete my work.

  Chapte r 9

  Jane sat there at her desk contemplating what to do first so much was buzzing round her head. The shear panic and the sickness in the bottom of her stomach, what did he mean by burn her how are they going to find this girl alive or will they be making another trip to a family with such grievous news.

  “Ok Amy your with me were going to see Valerie Brooks parents find out as much as possible about her life see whether she has a connection back to our first victim. Ian your going to stay here and work over the statements let me know as soon as possible whether you find anything, CCTV, the letter analysis. We work this fast and accurate people this time the girls life is really in our hands.”

  Amy and Jane walked out to the car both again in silence neither of them liked this part of the job and yet they found themselves going to talk to another set of parents within the same week. Jane knew that as much as Valerie Brooks hadn’t turned up dead yet the likely hood that they were going to find her alive was slim. And the parents will be going out of their mind waiting for her to return, the thought that they might not be able to give that to them was heart breaking. As they pulled up to the street Jane noticed how differing it was from Jennifer’s they were on the opposite sides of town to start, the rough side. The street itself was as you would expect all attached houses with flat roofs and messy gardens, and Valerie’s was no exception. If anything it was worse than some of the others. It was a pebbled dashed house with brown window frames and a brown door with paint peeling off. The grass was at least a foot high with no garden fence or gate insight. It was safe to say he wasn’t picking victims from there social standing.

  “ Mr. and Mrs. Brooks my name is detective Jane Sparrow and this is PC Amy Wilkes may we come in we would like to ask a fe
w questions about Valerie?”

  “Wow, you actually came our daughter only disappeared yesterday lunchtime and you roll up the day after with questions I thought you would be too busy dealing with that dead rich girl than to worry about our sweet little Valerie. So tell me Detective how do you suppose to find my daughter by talking to me I don’t know where she is that is why she is missing.”

  “Mr. brooks I understand how upset and frustrated you are at this time but trust me when I say you have the full police force backing you in finding your daughter and bringing her back to you safe and sound. We waited until the morning after just incase Valerie had perhaps maybe gone off with someone else of her own free will without telling her friends, we collected witness statements and CCTV footage I’m sorry if that has left you feeling abandoned at such a time but we have been working your daughters case.”

  “Well go on then get on with your questions. I’m sorry but I just feel useless sitting here talking I should be out there hunting the bastard that took her.”

  “ I understand it has been brought to our attention through a letter that a person has taken your daughter. We believe it to be the same man that took and killed Jennifer York.”

  “No, No, No please tell me my daughter isn’t dead she had her whole life ahead of her. Patrick do something, I want my daughter back.”

  “Mrs. Brooks we believe Valerie is still alive and will be treating the investigation as though she is. So time really is of the essence can you tell me whether Valerie had perhaps known Jennifer York at all gone to the same school, college, Jennifer worked at a local supermarket anything like that. Is there a possibility that they could have been friends with or without you knowing? Anything you can think of that could perhaps maybe put the two of them in the same place so we can perhaps maybe work out where they met the man that took them.”

  “No I’m sorry I knew all of Valerie’s friends she only had a small circle of them that she really socialized with and most of them now days were people she worked with Valerie didn’t go to college she went straight up to town to get a job after leaving school and she has been an administrator at the same firm since. She was looking into renting an apartment closer to work with one of her friends, she had so much going on in her life she was so smart and talented please you have to bring my girl home she is the only child we have left, she is our everything.”

  “I promise you Mrs. Brooks we will do everything we can to bring your daughter home safely. Was Valerie the kind of girl to help a stranger if they were in need or offer directions to a lost driver?”

  “Your asking if we raised our daughter to be considerate of others, what because were not rich like that other family we didn’t raise our daughter as well?”

  “No Mr. Brooks I’m asking as to whether that could have been the ruse to get to your daughter a lost driver pulling up to ask for directions someone pulling over saying they need help whether Valerie would of helped or not isn’t a reflection on your parenting skills it’s a guideline to show us perhaps how he is getting these girls of the street with anybody noticing.”

  “Valarie wouldn’t of helped she didn’t have the confidence to talk to strangers she would of excused herself from the situation and left.”

  “Ok that’s helpful thank you do you know if Valerie was drinking when she was out, now again it’s just a question we have to ask but would she have tried any drugs if she was offered them?”

  “No our Valerie had a strict no drugs policy we had another child a son he died at the age of 18 he accidently O D on ecstasy at a party and Valerie had no patience for anything like that after the pain of losing her brother she didn’t really drink either perhaps maybe one if the rest of the girls were but it would last her all evening.”

  “ Thank you for your help I am going to place an officer here with you that will keep you updated straight away on any new leads and information that we get. She will arrive shortly. Thank you again Mr. and Mrs. Brooks and I am sorry for how difficult this must be for you.”

  As Jane and Amy stepped back out of the house they were both glad it wasn’t worse news that they had to take to them just yet. Mr. Brooks definitely was hostile and Mrs. Brooks was a scared, frightened woman to have suffered the loss of one child already the thought of losing another one was too much for her to bear. Ian had just sent them an email the CCTV footage showed a taxi pulling into the pub car park; as the camera angle showed the entrance, round about the time that Valerie disappeared. Her friends had said that she came over feeling unwell so went out to get some fresh air so they are testing the glass for traces of any drug to see whether anything was slipped in her drink. Linguistic analysis was back on the letter it shows that is was written by the same person again though no fingerprints or DNA.

  “Ok Amy lets go back to the station we have a lot to work over. Hey are you ok? The puzzled look on your face says you got to be thinking something?”

  “It’s just something doesn’t make sense, it’s just a feeling like when you’re a kid and something scares you and the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, the parents they are behaving weird.”

  “Go on Amy say it we don’t have time to paint a pretty picture of these family’s if you think there is something dodgy say it.”

  “Well it’s just, think back to Mr. York there was no anger outburst not even a real look of shock when we told him we had found his daughter dead. Mrs. York was distraught I’ll give you that but almost to the guilty side she was hysterical but almost over compensating too helpful and full of information that she thought we would want. I wouldn’t even be able to think straight let alone think back 3 months to a guy that wasn’t even in my daughter’ life any more. And this family the father was instantly hostile and defensive and the way he talked about our first victim with such distain and the adamant statement from Mrs. Brooks about wanting her daughter home wasn’t made to us the people that could actually make it happen but was directed at her husband as though he could change it. It just doesn’t make sense the thought of anything happening to my little girl would send me into a frenzy and these parents just seem to keen to put on a show of emotions that they think are expected of them at a time like this. It all seems to staged they seem too perfectly distraught, too rehearsed. Did any of that make sense?”

  “ Yeah it did I mean we checked into Mr. York nothing came up we can do a back ground check on Mr. Brooks see if that shows anything. But I see where your coming from you don’t think they really could have anything to do with it though?”

  “I really don’t know just something in my gut doesn’t feel right it’s not how I would react as a parent. I don’t think they have anything to do with the actual physical harm done to their children but the way both of them talk about parenting about teaching them values it kinda sounds like they don’t approve of the way their children were living and turning out, like they wanted to teach them a lesson. Just reminds me of the way the unsub talks in his letters about correcting the path the young girls are on purging them of their sins.”

  “I can definitely see what you mean lets go back to the station and see if we can find any over lap between the families or even paths of the two girls but we better keep this on the quiet the bosses don’t like it upstairs when I start looking into the back ground of victims families especially Mr. York.”

  Jane and Amy both drove back to the station contemplating what they had just discussed were they really suggesting that what seemed like these two loving picture perfect families had really organized for a psychopath to carry out torture on their children for their “sins”. But Jane knew parents had done a multitude of things to children in the name of love.

  Chapter 10

  As Jane and Amy walked back into the station it was a buzz again, phones were ringing of the hook and people and paper were flying in all directions. At first the panic struck her that Valerie Brooks body had already been found and she was counting on the perp holding her for three days like he had Jennifer.
/>   “Detective the pub had a CCTV camera inside as well so we got hold of the tapes for that. We couldn’t find any footage of any one slipping anything into Valerie’s drink but guess who we did see in the same pub at the same time Mr. York, Jennifer’s father, a tad unusual that he would be in the same pub as our second victim days after he found out his daughter had been murdered, wouldn’t you say.”

  “Great work Ian that is unusual, this is getting more and more close to your funny feeling wouldn’t you say Amy. I’m going to need to go talk to my supervisor. Ian have you got a print out photo of Mr. York clearest one you can find that I can show him so I can get him to give us some lee way into look into the parents a bit more.”

  “Yeah here you go clear as day standing there bold as brass looking right at our missing girl.”

  “Thanks Ian that’s perfect.”

  As Jane walked up the stairs to her supervisor’s office her phone buzzed in her pocket, a message from Perry. Some how Jane had managed to stay focused this morning but seeing his name on her screen made the butterflies kick in again. Perry had been for his meeting it had gone well but he would give her the details tonight hopefully at her apartment if she weren’t too tired. Jane had a feeling she was never going to be too tired to see Perry. She felt like a lovesick teenager having her first crush. Jane tried to re focus but it was hard because as soon as she got near her bosses door all she could smell was the overwhelming cheap after shave and black coffee. As Jane knocked and waited to be told she could enter she couldn’t help but let her mind wander to how good Perry smelt.