The Escape (Detective Jane Sparrow Book 2) Read online


  Six months I have sat and rotted in this hellhole. Wasting away with nothing to do but twist and turn in my misery and the stench and filth of this place. Six months I have had nothing to do but plan my revenge, my escape. Several of the fathers from my earlier dalliances have been placed in the same correctional facility as myself. I see them in here trying to act like good men, reformed men, men on the straight and narrow path. But I know better, my olfactory system can still smell the stench of sin on them, along with every other foul-mouthed chump that is in here. I know the souls of those fathers better than God. I have seen the excitement in their eyes, the ideas of torture that were collective and spawned from the brains of these fake good men. Watched them rape a daughter of a man they stood beside after and still called friend. Most of them stood at their trials and repented their sins, told the sob story of manipulation and how I blackmailed them into helping. Feared for their lives so much they were willing to sacrifice their own children and the children of the fathers around them. The women pretended to be clueless to what was happening. And no evidence could ever be found to contradict that fact, but they were just as guilty. Well guilty of being ignorant anyhow. My dear friend James York our lawyer he is in here, but not fairing so well. He was the only brave man to stand up beside me in court and not bow down to peer pressure. Being a lawyer he seems to be responsible for some of the other inmates time in here as well. He has taken a knife to the abdomen twice already. He is to spend the rest of his sentence in solitary confinement to keep him safer. So now the rest of his days are in an even smaller cell. Never getting to socialise with the rest of these clueless hair brains. The only ally I have in here, but perhaps not the only friend. I see the rest of the fathers gathering together all avoiding me. Makes their stance on manipulation and blackmail more convincing. All of them hoping for the chance of an appeal. What sad pathetic men. Not brave enough to chance what I am planning. How I regret ever involving them in my game of cat and mouse with that Detective. But all the same I feel them watching me, plotting, making plans of their own for revenge; they seek to end my life. But it will be me that sews the seeds of revenge first. I will have my chance to destroy her, and this time she will not get off so easily.

  I will plan the perfect game to draw her in. The case will cause no need for her to puzzle, riddle or ponder and solve. The chase is all there is. My escape and the hunt will begin. I will really prove who is smarter. There will be no wondering who is responsible for the next acts that I must commit. It will be as though written in black and white, or rather blood red. And I will address them all to my dear sweet Jane. Like sick, sweet little love notes. From the first day Jane and I met, when she wrote me off as a pathetic low life, it has been fate. It has been written in the stars that we are destined to be together. All I need to do is prove I am worthy, that I am smarter. I will best her in her own game. I will leave her clues on the bodies of my victims so she will be able to find me. And when she comes, which she will, I will have her. I will reap her soul, I will make her bleed and scream for me and then I will watch the life drain out of her eyes and then I will know she is mine… FOREVER.

  Chapter 1

  Jane couldn’t believe how much life had changed. Considering the fact that not much more than 6 months ago, she lay awake in bed contemplating the meaning of life and death, after being tortured by the images of a brutal crime scene. She now lay awake in bed trying to catch her breath from a triple orgasm from the wonderful Perry Fierce. After her team had rescued her and Layla from the clutches of Thaddeus, and all the men involved had been sentenced, Jane’s life had settled into what seemed like an eternal bliss. She had a great man who made her very happy, a job and career that she had eventually gone back to. A great set of friends and what felt like to Jane a new beginning.

  “Hey, you all worn out now my sweet little skirt or do I need to take you for another round?”

  Swatting a playful pat on Perry’s arm,

  “Cheeky I think I’m all worn out thanks. How about you?”

  “Yeah I’m good thanks doll. So if its not you being unsatisfied that is keeping you awake what’s on your mind sweet?”

  “Just how much life has changed? To think everything that was going on six, seven months ago. The whole of the county was in uproar at Essex police. Have we got any new leads? Are we close to making an arrest? And now look they have all gone back to normal. They all act like nothing ever happened. That case got everyone’s back up. So did the trial, nobody liked thinking that a load of parent’s that they all felt sorry for at the time when their daughters were missing and first murdered could be responsible for it. Layla and myself, just so much is different.”

  “Jane relax breathe for me and listen ok. Layla is fine she has settled in her new home. She is getting on really well at school. You spoke to her earlier. You know all this and your seeing her at the weekend. The other people in the world Jane drift on with their life like nothing happened because they can. It didn’t affect them. But it is ok to move on Jane, it’s ok to want some normality back in your life. It doesn’t mean that you’re forgetting. And unfortunately that is one case that you are not going to forget, what happened to you or the young girls that died. But you can move past it. And that is what we are going to do together. That’s what you deserve. Now relax baby and get some rest ok.”

  Jane relented with a nod, which Perry followed with a tender kiss to her forehead. Jane knew in her heart of hearts that Perry was right. But for some reason she still couldn’t shake the unsettled feeling in the pit of her stomach. The unknowing clenches in the pit of her abdomen making her twist and turn in her sleep. It had been a few months since her last nightmare of Thaddeus. But tonight her mind was riddled with the thoughts and fears of being back chained to that bed stand, tortured by not only what was happening to her but having to witness Layla go through worse. Over time Jane and Layla had grown closer and those thoughts of what happened to Layla haunted Jane more than her own pain. The snarl in the father Charles voice as he threatened to rape her still affected her, as did the sneer on Thaddeus face as he watched her arms be dis articulated. The gut wrenching scream that came from Layla at each slice the blade made through her flesh at her abdomen, chest and thighs, at each tare the rats made as they gnawed at her already open skin. The smell of bleach as Thaddeus ‘cleansed’ inside Layla’s wounds, the sight of Patrick Brooks shot at her feet, the one time when he started towards her to unite her was when she felt like she had a hope and then it was cruelly snatched away again by Thaddeus. All this led to Jane awakening in a cold sweat feeling less rested than when she went to bed. Jane knew her first port of call was going to be a nice hot shower, dreaming of Thaddeus always made her feel dirty like her mind had been violated. Her second port of call was going to be the coffee pot for this morning she needed a very large, very strong cup of coffee before the day could really begin. Jane hopped in the shower and let the hot water cascade over her face down her shoulders and across her back. Easing the tension from her shoulders that the nightmare and memory of the pain in them had brought on. She cleansed herself with her favourite Decleor shower gel, the smell invigorating her senses and awakening her even more. Jane finished her shower and as she stepped out she caught a glimpse of the almost statuesque physique of Perry stepping in. Jane sat herself at her breakfast bar in her apartment and began to nurse her cup of coffee and castrating herself for getting in such a state over a dream. Nothing more than a silly dream made up of what should have been forgotten memories. Jane sat there sipping at her coffee listening to the hum of the shower falling over Perry’s body that Jane almost got lost in hers
elf when she was snapped back to reality by the ringing of her mobile.

  “Hey Boss you ready for another day? What time did you want me to pick you up?”

  “Jesus Amy how do you always sound so cheery in the morning. I’m going to need at least another twenty minutes and four cups of coffee before I am at your level ready.”

  “Hahahahaha my four year old Lilly-Anne has had me up since five o clock this morning and we have watched several episodes of Peppa the god damm pig already. I am not ashamed to admit that I want to lock away the person that created that cartoon. I am now desperate to get to work before she wants to watch any more. You may borrow my daughter for a night if you would like a better alarm clock. I’m sure she would love to stay with aunty Jane. I will be there though to pick you up in twenty with a very large cup of your favourite coffee.”

  “Hahahahaha I cant believe you Amy. But I would love to have her over one night were sort something. But on the other point I don’t think I’m going to be able to help you. Making a cartoon is not a criminal offence. So you are going to have to learn to live with Peppa the god damm pig. Or hope that it’s a phase and she grows out of liking it soon. I’ll see you in twenty.”

  Jane hung up the phone to the sound of Amy laughing in the background.

  “Well you sound and look a bit brighter now.”

  “Yeah I’m feeling it sorry about last night I know I was shuffling around a lot.”

  “Don’t apologise baby. You have been through more than most in the last year. It will take time to get over it. I just don’t like seeing you like it. How bad was the nightmare last night? I knew you were having one. Shuffling around is a bit of an understatement. It was more like there was a fight going on between you and the quilt.”

  “Don’t poke fun at me mister, cheeky but I am sorry. It was quite bad last night it all came flooding back. It was the first nightmare I have had in months though so I think it just made it seem worse. I didn’t keep you awake did I?”

  “No baby you know me I sleep like a log. I don’t think even a hurricane like you in the room would wake me up. So what time is Amy getting here?”

  “In about twenty minutes. What you got planned for the day?”

  “I got my review today with Frank. So going in to see him at eleven to discuss my course progress and hopefully get my start date for my position. I will be a fully fledged member of normal society.”

  “Excellent well let me know how you get on and if there is anything else I can do. Are we going to your mums tonight for dinner? I would love to see Parker.”

  “Well I actually meant to ask you earlier but I completely forgot so if you don’t want to there no pressure. But I was wondering if Parker could come here for dinner and spend the night? Because my mum is going out with a friend and it means we still get to spend time together.”

  “Of course he is always welcome here I want to make him feel like he has a home here as well. Id better get dressed Amy will be here in a minute.”

  With that Jane hoped of the stool at the breakfast bar and made her way into her bedroom. Jane slipped on a sensible but smart navy blue skirt suit and some flat black pumps. As the day is meant to be getting hot she slipped only a light blouse on and twisted her hair into a bun. Jane felt more ready for the day but really she wanted to curl back up into bed and have a more rested sleep. But taking another sick day so close to only just going back to work was not an option. Jane had put in a request to come of desk duty and a sick day certainly wouldn’t do it any favours. Jane had never been much of a pencil pusher and being stuck behind a desk was starting to drive her stir crazy. It had made her realise that she had no aspirations to go any further into the police force, as they were all desk jobs. Jane finished applying the last touches to her natural, light makeup, which she so desperately needed to make her look less of the living dead, for the day when she heard the doorbell.

  “Hey Perry how’s you? Where is she I’ve got a steaming cup of her favourite coffee here with her name on it. But if she don’t hurry up I’ve got no qualms with drinking it.”

  “I’m good thanks Amy yeah she just coming.”

  “Yeah I’m coming, I’m coming less of the sarcasm and keep your hair on. Remember who is boss here.”

  “Yeah, yeah I’ve heard all those threats before but nothing ever comes of it. You need me too much.”

  “Hmmm were be seeing that. Come on then my eager beaver lets get to work.”

  Jane planted a kiss on Perry to say goodbye and reminded him to text her letting her know how it goes with Frank. Jane stepped out her front door and round past Amy and started to head for the car. But she still distinctively heard Perry tell Amy to keep an eye on her. Which as sweet and sincere in intentions as it was it meant that Jane was going to get nothing but fuss from Amy all day.

  Jane and Amy stepped out into the overbearing heat of the already boiling sun beating down and into the overbearingly hot cab of Amy’s car. The sun was shining down and into the windows of Amy’s car but Jane was not going to complain about the much need vitamin D.

  “So Boss what’s on the agenda for today?”

  “Who knows Amy lets just see what the day brings us.”

  Chapter 2

  Jane and Amy stepped out of the car and straight into the station. That turned out was no cooler than Amy’s car as the station doesn’t have any air conditioning either.

  “Do you want another cup of coffee or would you rather a cold drink?”

  “I’m fine for the moment thanks though Amy.”

  “Ok well just give me a shout if you need anything ok.”

  Jane felt by that Amy meant more than when she just wanted a drink but she either didn’t want to pry or she felt uncomfortable to ask about Perry’s request at the station. Jane was grateful for the concern. But she was also grateful for the silence she didn’t think she could stomach having to tell Amy about her nightmare just yet. She sat down at her desk and began to shuffle through her letters and messages that PC Jack Collins had already collected for her. A small post it note caught Jane’s attention as it was stuck to the front of her computer screen. Even more oddly all it had written on it was ‘I’m coming for you, see you soon Jane’. No one was meant to be coming for her so Jane was struggling to think of an innocent explanation to the message. Trying not to let the panic boil and the bile rise Jane had been more sensitive to anything of a threatening tone since Thaddeus. Jane decided to call for Jack to come over, as he was the one that had probably taken the message.

  “Jack do you know whom this message is from? It was the one that was stuck to my computer screen.”

  “It was on your desk phone answer machine. So they must have your personal line number and extension code. I assumed it was from a family member or friend that was coming to visit you. But they left no name or number for you to call back.”

  Jane sat there in silence for a few minutes letting her brain reel and trying to process the information. Trying to come up with an explanation for the message before she really began to panic or go into a melt down. The colour had obviously begun to drain from Jane’s face, as Jack had nothing but a look of concern on his face.

  “Jane are you ok? Did I do something wrong? If it was a personal message that I wasn’t meant to know about I’m sorry. It hasn’t left these lips. And I didn’t delete the message. I left it on there in case you wanted to hear it. Its still on your answer phone.”

  Jane sat there wide eyed and bewildered for a few seconds longer when she then reached for her answer phone and pressed the play button.

  “I’m coming for you, see you soon Jane.”

  Jane shot up in cold fear as the sound of his voice filled the vicinity of the station she was in, the cold sneer in his voice as her name rolled of his tongue. Jane reached out to hold onto Jack’s arm as she felt herself going dizzy, the immobilizing fear and the bile that was rising in her stomach making black dots dance in front of her eyes.

  “Detective, Boss, Jane I�
��m sorry who is it? What is wrong? Is there anything I can do to help?”

  To Jane’s relief Amy had already seen the commotion and was heading over with PC Ian Watson and PC Eric Stone in tow.

  “Jane what’s wrong your as white as a sheet, come on sit down keep breathing nice and calm tell me what’s wrong? Has it got anything to do with Perry’s request this morning?”

  Jane managed to wrack out four words past the beating thrum of her heart and the fear wracking in her chest.

  “Play the message Jack.”

  The whole team went silent as the sound of his voice filled the room again. Jane couldn’t control it this time the bile rose to quickly. With the lack of sleep and now uncontrollable fear that was coursing through Jane’s body she ended up throwing up in her desk waste bin.

  “Ok, Ok your safe. Don’t panic. He is in prison he cant hurt you or Layla just breathe we will fix this ok.”

  “Amy what’s going on? You’re the only one that seems to understand. What do we need to fix?”

  “That my friend’s was Thaddeus.”

  Ian, Eric and Jack all instantly reached for their firearms in a protective stance. Amy tried to comfort Jane as best as she could while trying to think of what to do when Jane managed to pull herself together enough to speak.