The Organisation (Detective Jane Sparrow Book 1) Read online

Page 7

  “That is definitely a possibility. I believe that it is a scenario that would fit the letters and the victim’s medical report. The challenge in the letter’s could be what your talking about, the challenge to find out that he is not working alone. It screaming catch me if you can the one problem if your right on this I would probably bet that the actual organizer and leader never lift a finger to harm the girls. That’s why he is so cocky in his letter with practically screaming catch me if you can if he didn’t actually strike the girls at all he never murdered them. The other unfortunate problem is that as much as the killer gives a lot away in his writing style there isn’t any conclusive piece that could prove your theory. Perhaps with more samples I could be of more help.”

  “That is the problem we both are facing without more evidence we cant prove my theory and it stays just a theory. The bad part of that is it means another young girl has to pay with her life for us to get the information we need. Thank you for all your help though it’s been most insightful. If we do receive any more letters it would be of great value and assistance if I could call on yourself again.”

  “Of course Detective do not hesitate to contact me for further assistance I would graciously accept the task. It was very nice to meet you detective and a wise word of warning the distain I picked up may be a slight threat so I would warn you tread carefully and stay safe.”

  “Of course Doctor thank you again.”

  Jane stepped back into the fresh air outside the office as she walked back to her car. There was a light frost hanging in the air as the darkness began to fall, the chill in the air made her pull her coat tighter about her chest when the idea suddenly struck her.

  “Jack great you answered I need you to look into something for me is there a way you can track who the other honorary members of the organization are and as to whether they have any children.”

  “Yeah I’ll look into that for you is there anything else you need. Are you coming straight back to the station?”

  “Yeah I am on my way back now no that’s everything are Ian and Amy back yet?”

  “They have just phoned as well they have what we need and are on their way back as well see you in about ten.”

  Jane sat in her car and let the heat from the car pump around the cabin as she tried to warm herself. When she checked her phone in her hand she realized that she had several missed calls. Dave the coroner had left a message on her answer phone saying it was urgent message regarding Jennifer York. There was also one from Perry asking if Jane could check in to let him know she was safe. Jane sent off a quick text to Perry saying she hoped she wouldn’t be much later tonight and that it would be great to see him when Jane decided she best ring Dave back before setting off to the station.

  “Dave it’s Jane what’s so urgent?”

  “Jane I’m so sorry I don’t know how I missed it I didn’t even check for it because she was so young the thought never crossed my mind that I would need to, She wasn’t showing any signs”

  “Dave what is it just spit it out”

  “Sorry, Sorry Jennifer York was pregnant at least three months.”

  “Oh my god that is unbelievable perhaps that is why her father was so concerned about leading her down the right path. I’m sure this is something as a well-respected lawyer he would find embarrassing a pregnant seventeen-year-old daughter. Don’t worry about missing it we had no reason to suspect that it was even a possibility. I didn’t even think to check for that.”

  Jane arrived back at the station the drive was a blur with the excitement from the talk with the psychologist and the new information that Dave had given her. As she stepped back into the station the awaiting faces of Ian, Amy, Jack and her Supervisor, greeted her.

  “Before any one says anything I need someone to go back over to the college to speak to Jennifer York’s friends and her work colleagues find out who she was dating. At the time of her murder Jennifer York was at least three moths pregnant. I’ve just got of the phone to the coroner who had just discovered it.”

  PC Jack Collins volunteered himself and Eric to go first thing in the morning. Ian and Amy spent the next ten minutes filling them in on everything they had found out from the office supplies shop. They had found out that the organization uses the exact same paper that the letters were wrote on as well as Mr. York and one other local business man in the area. An accountant named William Brown. As Ian said this name Jack was quick to interrupt with the information that there was a William Brown on the honorary list at the organization. He had a wife named Isabelle Brown and a daughter named Layla who was fifteen years of age. Jane was eyeing the fact that she wasn’t the only one listening intently to this information her Supervisor was still buzzing around.

  “Is there any way to prove this theory?”

  “Unfortunately sir the best way to prove this theory is if Valerie Brooks was to turn up dead and a new girl a daughter of another honorary member of the organization was to go missing. Other than that all we have is a theory and circumstantial evidence that no judge would give a warrant on to search anywhere. So unfortunately a girls life is the cost of proof.”

  “I had a feeling you were going to say that Detective. I understand keep working the case you and your team have performed some exceptional work in the past week. Go home get some rest, that means all of you Jane, start a fresh in the morning.”

  “Thank you sir.”

  With that the team headed out the door into the cool night air. They all left feeling a little lighter in heart that they had the support of Jane’s Supervisor. Superintendent Andrew Walden had been most gracious in the last hour; it did however make Jane slightly suspicious. The sadness and the panic that the team could be facing another body tomorrow night was not something any of them was prepared to mention or something they wanted to think on when they were leaving with the hope that they had made a break through.

  Amy checked with Jane that she didn’t need a ride home but Jane sent Amy on her way back to Ian and told her she would be fine, Jack had already made it back to his car when he yelled out one last goodbye to the rest of the team. Jane didn’t care to mention to Amy the real reason why she didn’t want a lift home she was planning on texting Perry letting him know that she had left the station. Jane could not wait to get home and collapse into Perry’s arms and forget about the horrors of this case for a little while. To be able to curl up after having a nice meal and a few glasses of wine and to just pretend for a few hours that someone else’s life wasn’t hanging in her hands. Jane sent a quick text to Perry before setting off letting him know she was on her way home, she received one back even quicker. With his of the cuff remarks about Jane being a sweet little skirt, which Jane took as a sign of endearment, he had pretty much read her mind and said he would be round within the hour with dinner and a bottle of wine that he was sure she could do with. Jane arrived home and decided to take a quick shower to ease her from the stress of the day and to freshen up but she thought it would be best if she managed to out her clothes back on this time before Perry arrived in case he thought she was making a habit of answering the door to him with only a dressing gown covering her modesty. As Jane stepped into the warm flow of water gushing from the shower she could feel the anxiety and stress from the case easing from her muscles and the excitement and butterflies of Perry creeping back in. She couldn’t help but let her mind drift back to the thought’s she had earlier in the day and as much as that sent tingles down her spine Jane knew better than to let herself get carried away with her imagination as Perry himself would be arriving soon. Jane stepped out the shower and carefully dried, moisturized and put on her favorite matching underwear, just in case a girl never knows. She placed over the top a rather modest but tightly forming plain black wrap dress that helped to accentuate her curves making Jane feel just slightly that little more confident than a silly school girl with a crush. Perry arrived shortly after Jane was dressed with an Indian takeout from her favorite restaurant down town a bottle of
wine and another beautiful bouquet of roses. Before Jane had realized the Indian had been consumed half a bottle of wine and several hours had passed, it seemed so easy to forget time when she was with Perry. They seemed to be able to talk effortlessly like they had known each other for years rather than weeks. When Jane did look at the clock to check the time it was coming on eleven and she somehow again had managed to find herself entwined into the muscles of Perry’s arms and chest. Jane decided it was time she broke the silence before he thought she had fallen asleep on him again but before she could manage to think of something to say Perry beat her to it.

  “Jane it’s getting rather late did you want me to make a move. I know you will be busy again tomorrow.”

  “Well I’d rather you stay.”

  Jane sat there rather sheepishly waiting for Perry’s reply instead he shifted his body weight and leaned in to kiss Jane softly upon the lips and paused and waited for Jane to respond. Before Jane could even let her brain kick in she gave in to passion and preceded to kiss Perry with more force than they both had anticipated. Before another word could be said they made a stumble for the bedroom with a flurry of clothes and more kisses. By the time they made it to Jane’s bedroom Perry was already completely out of his clothes and Jane couldn’t help but let her eyes wander over his perfectly sculpted physique only marked by a few scars and tattoos that Jane thought only added to the overall sight of him. Jane was standing there in nothing but her perfectly matched out underwear that she had chosen earlier. Perry’s eyes seemed to be studying her as closely as she had him but he chose to answer his stares with his hands. He softly moved them from Jane’s face as he planted another kiss, he moved from the top of her back gliding softly down and unhooked her bra and slid it expertly from her shoulders where he flung it to the floor. His mouth was at her neck planting light kisses along the underneath of her jawbone and breathing heavily as he whispered in her ear how gorgeous she was. They fell graciously back on to the bed as he slid one hand down and cupped her ample breast and teased her nipple. Jane’s left leg was wrapped around Perry’s back as his other hand slipped up her thigh to caress her bum cheek, he expertly managed to remove Jane’s knickers without even jostling her or slowing his kisses. He moved the kisses down her neck slowly moving along her collarbone. Jane could not help but take in a sharp gasp of breathe as he slipped his tongue over her nipple and took it firmly within his mouth. His right hand had managed to slide down in between Jane’s legs to find her soft, moist lips waiting eagerly to greet his fingers in his gentle caress. He worked Jane up into quite a flurry of excitement when he slowly slid his throbbing fully erect penis inside her awaiting opening, not once taking his eyes of Jane as if gaging her response. They fell into passionate love making and only began to break apart after several deep shudders of orgasm, gasping for breathe they fell into each other arms and fell of to sleep. Jane was feeling more content and comfortable than she had in years. She had forgotten how satisfying sex could be.

  Jane awoke in the morning to find Perry lying there staring at her intently. When he realized she was awake he planted a kiss lightly on her forehead.

  “Sorry did I wake you?”

  “No, No what time is it I should be getting to the station.”

  “Relax Jane it is only 6:30 in the morning would you like me to go make breakfast?”

  “That would be wonderful, oh and coffee definitely coffee and Perry there’s no regrets from last night.”

  “Definitely not my sweet little skirt, a surprise, but no regrets on my part and you?”

  “No definitely no regrets with me either I thought I would just check.”

  With that Perry glanced back with a sweet and sincere smile as he walked off to the kitchen to make breakfast.

  Jane collapsed back down again onto her pillow with her hands clasped to her head in disbelief last night was amazing. She couldn’t bring herself to believe that it had happened. Falling into bed with a man that she hadn’t known that long and especially one with Perry’s past was unlike any behavior she had exhibited before. Jane knew it should feel wrong but some how with Perry the world just seemed to make more sense. Jane readied herself out of bed and headed off to the kitchen. She found herself a steaming cup of black coffee waiting and Perry already cooking the bacon and eggs. As Perry continued cooking Jane began to drink her coffee and flick through the case file that she had bought home last night. She couldn’t decide where to start. If she spoke too soon to the wrong person too soon it could lead to the killer getting spooked and the murders stopping. Then they really wouldn’t find the evidence they needed to convict anyone. Do nothing and the chances of them finding Valerie dead in a park some where tonight was a definite certainty. Jane knew there was no point blaming herself for Valerie the evidence just isn’t leading them to any answers. Jane had always prided herself on being relatively intelligent. It’ how she had made it to Detective but the thought, the possibility that this killer could be smarter than her was driving her insane.

  “What’s the matter sweet you’re awfully quiet sitting there?”

  “Sorry Perry it’s just this case. I feel like all I’m doing is chasing the ghost of a dead girl. And the scary thing is all it’s going to lead me to is another dead girl. I don’t know what I’m doing here. I don’t know where to go next.”

  “Jane just breathe ok, think what is it you need to know more than anything else. Now I know it’s hard but forget Valerie for the moment. What information do you need and the best way to get it is?”

  “Your right they are holding a seminar today in town my best chances is to send someone in undercover. Someone none of the parents have ever met before get them in to the organization perhaps talking to everyone. That’s great Perry thanks I know what to do.”

  “See I told ya all you needed was to breathe and step back.”

  “Thanks I’m going to need to head out pretty quick it’s going to take some string pulling and time to get this set up. What have you got planned for your day?”

  “I’ve got another meeting, the estate agent is coming round to do a final valuation on my flat so we can get that up and organize some viewings and then I got to take care of some business.”

  “Ok well good luck and Perry be careful.”

  “You to Jane.”

  Jane kissed Perry on the cheek as she made her way past to her bedroom to shower and get ready for work. At this rate she would be at the station before her supervisor so she can work up a request and prep a team to go undercover. While Jane was showering her mind couldn’t help but turn her thoughts back to Valerie. As much as it had helped what Perry had said to put her to one side so she could see the case more clearly, to refocus there was something that was bothering her. Jennifer York was pregnant that is what Jane had surmised had caused her parents to snap and get the rest of the group to act. But what was the catalyst when it came to Valerie, what caused her parents to go to an extreme of murder and kidnap. Jane had noticed that when they were in the parent’s house as well as photos of Valerie and her younger brother that had passed away there was a lot of Christian idols around. Perhaps after their son died they had turned to religion to make sense of it. Perhaps maybe if Valerie had done something in their eyes against religion it could of caused them to snap. Jane remembered that Valerie had been planning on moving in with one of her friend’s maybe that had something to do with it. As Jane stepped out the shower Perry stepped into it to get ready for his meeting. Jane couldn’t help but take a cheeky glance at Perry’s bare bum, which of course he caught her staring. With a cheeky wiggle of the bum and a wink from Perry Jane left for work with a spring in her step and a smile.

  When Jane made it to the station she found two beat cops Alex and Charlotte that hadn’t worked on the case before now, so there was no chance of any attending parents or members to make them as cops. Jane updated them on the case and what she needed them to do and worked with them to create a back-story. As she was finishing up doing this her S
upervisor walked through the door.

  “Detective you’re in early this morning.”

  “Yes Sir, I have a request the idea didn’t occur to me until this morning. I’d like to send in two police officers undercover at the seminar today that the parents of both victims have been attending. If we go in too soon as obvious police officers we could spook them and lose any leads in the case. We need more information to find out what were dealing with here.”

  “Ok I can approve the request. I can see where your coming from it’s a delicate situation so perhaps a gentler approach is best to get the most accurate information. Have you got a team prepped and a back story for them?”

  “Yeah I grabbed two beat cops Alex and Charlotte when I came in so they are all prepped and ready to go. They have a sufficient back story all we need to do is photo edit some photo’s of a makeshift daughter to use and they are good to go.”

  “Ok good, good keep me informed.”

  “Will do Sir thank you.”