The Organisation (Detective Jane Sparrow Book 1) Read online

Page 16

  “Ah Jane so strong holding it all in. Apart from your stomach contents that is. How weak you may not have screamed or cried or begged but you couldn’t control your bodies reaction to the pain. You have a weak mind it couldn’t take you far enough away from me that I couldn’t reach you. Don’t you worry Jane you will scream for me yet. You will beg for me to kill you by the time were through. I will beat you Jane. You set this game in motion all those years ago now I will finish it and it only ends one way. The quicker you give up the quicker it ends.”

  “I arrested you because you were a low life piece of scum on my streets and it was my job. You think you can best me because of that. You are an arrogant, narcissistic piece of shit and I am a stubborn detective so Tad here’s to me wishing you Good luck.”

  With that Tad walked away with a grimace on his face that he had been called out in front of all the men that were looking up to him. Jane could do nothing but smirk even a woman who had just had her shoulders forcibly dislocated could still show him up. Jane hoped that her team had managed to work out who this guy was and that they were going to come for her sooner rather than later. As much as Jane had just given it all the biggen she really was in a lot of pain and needed to get out of here. She wasn’t sure how much longer she could stay together for and how much more Layla could take. By the looks of it the men had decided to give them another break until Layla woke up. It was back to her turn again. One by one the men poured out of the basement when Tad was the last one to leave he slammed and locked the door behind him. Jane knew they hadn’t left the confines of the house though as she could still hear them walking around upstairs.

  “Layla are you awake?”

  Layla grumbled but didn’t answer so Jane took that as a no. To be fair Jane was pretty sure she looked a mess so she didn’t really want Layla to wake up and be even more scared. Jane tried to move her arms they hadn’t bothered to restrain them down again before leaving. But as hard as Jane tried she couldn’t get them to move how she wanted. They just hung limply down at her side. Struggling to get them to move had only caused her more pain. Jane took in a few deep breaths trying to steady her equilibrium as the wells of pain had almost made her succumb to passing out. Once Jane had regained her composure again she began to look around and take stock of her surroundings. To Jane’s disappointment nothing had changed from the last time she had done this there was still only the one exit and it wasn’t getting any closer. Jane didn’t really want to go to sleep the fear of waking up and finding Tad here or to be honest an even worse thought was that Charles. The way he had threatened to rape her had made her insides turn. She would rather have all her limbs disarticulated than let his hands anywhere near her. The only problem with that being she was restrained to a bed and only in her underwear. Jane had never been one to be conscious of her body but the over exposure and the lack of warmth in the room was making Jane feel even more uncomfortable. Jane could here Layla stirring over on the other side.

  “Layla are you awake?”

  “Yes, oh my god my legs look what the rats did it hurts so much Jane where are you?”

  Layla struggled to try and lift her head away from the bed frame. They hadn’t bothered to stand it back up from when they laid it down to let the rats feast on her. As Layla craned her neck so she could see Jane on the opposite side of the room she let out a small but distinguishable gasp and a sob at what Jane could only suspect was her appearance. Jane had already noticed the purple bruises that were beginning to spate at her shoulders and the lank way her arms were hanging there. Add that to no doubt the horror of Jane’s face from earlier beatings and the ones to her ribs and abdomen Jane could understand the look of horror spreading across the young girl’s frightened face.

  “Jane what did they do to your arms?”

  Jane couldn’t bring herself to tell the poor girl the gruesome truth of how she sustained her injuries.

  “It doesn’t matter sweetheart think not of me. How are you feeling?”

  “I’m so tired and scared but I know its not over. The rats they ate me which means that mad guy is going to think I’m a drug addict still which means he is going to keep on going. I cant bare to think what else they are going to do to me. If they want me dead why can’t they just kill me?”

  “Don’t wish for that Layla you have been so strong just hold on. My team they are going to realize where I went missing from and they are going to work all this out. My team they are smart, they are going to be coming for us. So just stay strong I know it’s hard and I know you’re tired. But I promise you I will get you out of this.”

  “Now Jane you should know not to give the girl false hopes. What am I going to do with you? Such a naughty, naughty girl.”

  Chapter 19

  It took them another half an hour to get organized they separated into two teams. PC Jack and Eric along with a team of investigators went along to the mob guy’s house to check that out although they didn’t expect it to turn up any leads to Jane. The organized crime unit went along with them, as it was a known mob house. Amy, Ian and the Superintendent alongside a swat team were going to the house that used to belong to the auntie of Thaddeus. Perry was coming along with them but was under strict instructions that he had to stay at the back of the line even if they reached Jane and Layla until the situation was under control they were all in danger and they didn’t want him mucking it up.

  PC Eric and Jack along with the organized crime unit were ready to head out first. They were under strict instructions that once they were in done a sweep of the house and made sure everything was secure they were to make contact with either the Superintendent or Amy herself. They were going to be waiting in position outside the suspected house for the call. Amy had a suspicion that when they got in they were actually going to find the rotting corpse of their missing mob guy of four weeks. Probably murdered for recognizing his long lost friend and it gave them access to another vehicle that would only lead the police back to the mob. Amy did however find that if her thought was correct that it was slightly ironic that a dumb as a doorpost mob guy could work out whom this Thaddeus was but he had been under their noses and inside their investigation without even realizing it. Amy sent Pc Jack and Pc Eric off with a good luck and a reminder to ring as soon as they knew seen as that house was only a ten-minute drive from the station Amy wasn’t going to have to wait that long before they headed out. The superintendent was just giving off last minute instructions and discussing a tactical plan for a soft entry and quick exit for any hostages, which they believed to be only two. The problem they had is they didn’t have nay idea what kind of medical situation either of them was going to be in so getting them out the house wasn’t going to be the quickest. They had some vague ideas about Layla as form previous victims what she must be up to in the stage of torture but Jane they had no idea. Amy wanted to hope that Thaddeus hadn’t hurt Jane at all yet and just having her bare witness to the torture of the young girl was going to be enough. But after her conversation with Darren no one else seemed positive on that at all. They headed out to the awaiting parked cars and pulled in it was going to feel like the longest twenty minute drive of all their lives going out to the farm house. They believed from the time period that the house was built the best place for the hostages to be kept would be the basement. That no doubt only had one entrance and exit through a door of the hallway. And only very small paneled windows that could be on either side of the property those were to let in ventilation and natural light but wouldn’t be big enough to fit a person through into the room or get someone out. The house and the land that it was sitting on no doubt because of it being an old farm house there may be several out buildings that need to be checked as well. The Superintendent and the tactical team had decided it would be best to clear the main house first and hopefully clear as many of the perpetrators involved off the site. The next point of call if the hostages haven’t been found would be to do a sweep of all outbuildings. Amy’s stomach had twisted into a pit of
knots and as she looked up to check on Ian she found him staring at her with a look of deep concern but also slight relief. To the shock of Amy he reached for her hand and gave it a tight squeeze. Amy thought he looked slightly relieved in one way as much as he must be concerned for the Detective as well. Amy had been to several places with her throughout this case and at any point could she have been taken alongside the Detective. They were only about five minutes out from the house when Amy’s phone started buzzing in her pocket. It was PC Jack Collins quicker than what Amy thought, which must mean they didn’t find anything.

  “Hi Jack did you find anything?”

  “Well yes but nothing that we really wanted. There is no sign of any hostages having been brought here the Detective or the young girl Layla are not here. The only thing that was waiting for us was a rotting corpse of who I can assume is our dumb as a doorpost mob guy. So your hunch on that one was right Amy.”

  “Ok well thanks for letting us know we got a lot of work to do at our end were just pulling up to the house now. I will let you know as soon as it is safe to do so.”

  “Ok be safe all of you”

  They all exited the vans and made their way to their positions. They decided it might be a quieter and softer entry to the rear of the house and hopefully a quicker way to the entrance of the basement. Two members of the SWAT and Tactical team were at the front followed by the rest of the team and then Amy, Ian and the Superintendent were closing the rear. Closely followed by Perry who for the occasion had all been done up in a police bulletproof vest and jacket. They entered the house quietly as possible and found that they had entered straight into the kitchen which luckily was empty but they could hear voices coming off ahead just to the left from what looked like the dining room and joint living room. The SWAT team and Tactical team that were made up of ten men split into two groups. The Superintendent followed off to the left with the first group of five straight into the living room and dining area while the second group branched off to the right and to what was hopefully the door that led down to the basement. As they headed through the door a set of steps led down they could see that there was another door at the bottom, which was open. They quickly but quietly made their way down the stairs and entered the basement at the bottom. Amy scanned the room looking for the Detective and found that she was tied to an upturned bed frame and the good Doctor Tad Woodrow had her by knife point at the throat grinning at the assembly as the piled in. Ian had to grab Perry to stop him from rushing forward. Layla was on the other side of the room but her bed was laying down how you expected to see a bed frame. Amy could see her moving so she knew she was still alive. The SWAT team at the front had all eyes and guns trained on Tad.

  “Welcome to the show people now you may have the young girl go on take her but the detective and me aren’t through yet. We still have much to discuss so go on take her.”

  Ian was still holding on tightly to Perry so two of the SWAT guys and Amy moved quickly across the room and started to undo the ties that were holding the young girl in place. Amy could see that she had at least six deep gashes to her body and quite a lot of feeding from a rodent. Bits of her skin looked like it had been scrubbed clean and even inside the wounds looked burned and blistered as though she had been scrubbed with a detergent of some kind no doubt bleach.

  “Can you stand?”

  “Yes I think so but what about the Detective you can’t leave her with that mad man.”

  “Don’t worry were get her out come on you first.”

  With that they had her free from the bed and rushing back across to the exit of the room. The SWAT guys took back up their positions and Amy walked Layla out of the basement and back up to the main part of the stairs. The first group of the SWAT team that stayed up stairs seemed to have the situation all under control by the looks of it one man had been shot and had passed away the rest were being loaded into the back of an awaiting van in hand cuffs. There were already paramedics on scene that was there to take Layla of hand.

  “Please you have to promise me your going to get the Detective out. Some of the bruises she has are because of me she can’t die while I live please you have to get her out.”

  “Layla just stay calm we will get her out I’m not walking away here without my Detective ok. Go with the Paramedics let them assess you and give you some pain relief and before you know it the Detective will be out and will be joining you again ok.”

  With that Amy and the Superintendent rushed back down the stairs straight to the basement but before they could make it to the bottom they heard gunfire. Just one shot echoing of the surrounding walls. Amy pushed passed the fear and entered the basement room to find that Tad Woodrow or Thaddeus what ever you wanted to call him had been shot once in the shoulder to disarm him and the detective was very much alive still but in a bad way. The SWAT team was over taking control of Thaddeus while Perry and Ian was over trying to untie Jane from the bed. Amy rushed over to help.

  “Jane my god are you ok hold still were going to get you off this thing.”

  “Amy I knew you would work it out I knew you were going to come for us. Aahhh…”

  Perry and Ian were jostling with the tie that was around Jane’s middle. They couldn’t seem to get it undone so had decided to cut it but all the jostling was causing pain to Jane.

  “Jane holds still what hurts. Do you want me to get the paramedics down here?”

  “No just get me off this thing just try not to jostle the arms too much.”

  That was when Amy really took stock of her bosses’ injuries. The bruises that were surrounding her shoulders indicated that both of them were dislocated. There were possible breaks to several ribs and maybe a cheekbone. Numerous bruises to the rest of her face as well as a split lip and black eye. Several incased her abdomen area and bruises to her wrists from struggling against metal restraints.

  “Jane my God your shoulders.”

  That comment had made Perry look up. To this point he had been concentrating on getting Jane off the bed that he hadn’t taken any notice to the injuries. A look of horror crossed his face as he realized what had happened and he slumped to the floor. Ian on the other hand didn’t stop carving through the leather strap until he heard it snap. They had already managed to get the restraints of from round her ankles so as the middle strap was released Perry was already up and ready to support Jane so that she didn’t slump forward. Wary of where to touch her so not to cause her pain Perry steadied her.

  “Jane can you walk?”

  “I’m not sure”

  Jane tried to take a step and wobbled she didn’t have the strength to hold herself up and the feeling of finally having her feet back on solid ground had only made the overwhelming need to pass out from pain swell up inside of her again. With that she collapsed. Perry was there to catch her and ease her to the floor. The Superintendent had already gone off and organized for the second set of paramedics to come to the basement. Just as Jane collapsed they were heading through the door with a gurney and medical kit. They laid the gurney on the floor and gently slid Jane over and onto it. As much as Amy thought Jane was probably going to hate it they had to strap her back down again so they could carry her back up the stairs and not have risk of her sliding off. To Amy’s relief though Jane did not wake back up until she was laid onto the proper ambulance bed and unstrapped. Amy and Perry were charged with waiting outside of the ambulance while the crew stabilized her and checked her over to make sure she was as comfortable as possible before transporting her to the hospital. Layla who was in the ambulance across from them was already made as comfortable as possible and was ready to be transferred but didn’t want to go on her own. The Superintendent offered to ride along with her so that as soon as the detective was there she would know and so that she would feel safe. Layla agreed to this so the first ambulance headed out Perry and Amy was still waiting. The ambulance doors swung open Jane was still conscious and had received a dose of pain relief. The paramedics were ready to start movin
g off to the hospital so Perry hopped in to ride along with Jane. Ian and Amy were going to follow in a squad car and meet them there. But before the doors to the ambulance could be closed Jane called out.