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The Organisation (Detective Jane Sparrow Book 1) Page 4

  "Sir sorry to disturb you but can I come in?"

  "Of course Detective as long as your not here to ask for more police officers I’m sorry but at the moment we just can't afford to give you any more."

  "No Sir it's not that I would like to bring in the only known drug dealer of rohypnol in the area. Show him some photos of our suspects see if he recognizes any of them. And get any information on anyone else he has sold it to. But to get him to co-operate we are probably going to need to make a deal. We get the information we need to help catch a killer and we don't charge him for possession and distribution."

  "Ah right ok well as much as I don't like to make deals with any kind of criminal in this case it calls for it. Murder trumps drug dealer but only offer the deal if you have to Jane. You can bring him in."

  "Thank you Sir."

  Jane stepped out of the office that was a lot easier that she thought it was going to be. Let's just hope the next bit was as easy. Jane hated drug dealers most of them were so jacked up half the time that she wasn't sure how reliable he was going to be. Half the time they can't even tell their left hand from their right. Jane made the call and the local cops were picking him up and bringing him down to the station.

  "Hey Ian how did you get on with that dog walker what’s his history?"

  "Well I can't believe we fell for it there is no Graham Watts that lives in this area the address he gave me was for a Deirdre Sparks a retired teacher. We were totally duped there is no way of finding this guy we were so wrapped up in everything else that night and he didn't have any ID on him because he just stepped out to walk the dog. I didn't even think I’m so sorry detective. The description he gave us must of been a random one he was probably sitting at home laughing to himself when we done that TV broadcast on his information. I really am sorry Detective I should of checked into this before."

  " Don't worry Ian it's something I should of thought of before as well, who interviewed him?"

  "Well I took the initial statement and then PC Jack Collins he is just over there hey Jack come here for a sec."

  "Jack the dog walker at the crime scene you interviewed him as a potential witness our only witness to the mysterious happy guy walking through the park well the name he gave you the bloke doesn't exist. So were thinking it's our guy. He gave you a fake name and address do you remember what he looked like you spent the most time with him."

  " Oh God your joking right I shook his hand and everything he was really distressed and everything about the girl that I didn't for a second think it could be him. But I do remember what he looked like."

  " Ok what were going to do is get you to sit down with a sketch artist get his face down on paper. And I want you to sit down with your original notes of the conversation go through it again see if he gave anything away. When they are just a witness you don't pay as much attention to the words used or language but now he is a suspect we could use all the help we can get."

  " Yeah sure thing."

  " Jane the drug dealer is here. Do you want me to come in there with you?"

  "No, No Ian don't worry I can handle it have you got those photos?"

  " Yeah here you go boss he is early must of been easy for them to track down."

  Jane stepped into the interview room and suddenly felt like the room had shrunk by quite a few feet either that or the guy really was that huge. He was over 6 feet tall baldhead and covered in tattoos and had arms the size of tree trunks. He really was a tough old piece of work. Jane walked over to the desk holding her head high trying to fake a little confidence after her faltering in the doorway at his size. She sat down and switched on the recorder.

  " This is Detective Jane Sparrow it is 1:26pm interviewing a Mr. Perry Fierce. To state Mr. Fierce is not under arrest he is here to aid in our investigation into the kidnap and murder of Jennifer York. In the room with me is PC Jack Collins to start would you like a drink Mr. Fierce, coke, coffee a glass of water?"

  " Coffee, thank you."

  "PC Collins why don't you go get the man a cup of coffee. Don't worry me and Mr. Fierce are just going to have a little chat."

  As Jack stepped out of the room Jane rose from her seat and walked round to the other side of the table and removed Mr. Fierce cuffs for him. She placed them on them down on the table and walked back to her seat.

  " Now I don't know anything about any murders or kidnapping just to clarify, and what is a fine young skirt like yourself doing as a cop don't you have a fella at home that can take care of you."

  "Mr. Fierce don't think for one second that you intimidate me or that I cant take care of myself. So skip the skirt jokes and the fakes compliments and let’s get down to business. Now I know what kind of business you are into the drug dealing kind, now I don't intend to charge you with possession or distribution if you tell me the names of everyone that you have sold rohypnol to in the last few weeks. So Mr. Fierce get talking."

  " Wow ok calm down no more skirt jokes god how did I manage to get a rap for selling rohypnol, I only sold it once. A friend of mine come into the possession of some it's not normally a drug that I would deal it's dodgy at the best of times. But well he was a friend and he asked me to sell on at a profit. My friend had quite a lot but I managed to sell it all on to this one bloke and made a huge profit on it too, not that you care about my business skills. But anyway it was only the one load I’m sure there are other people that are distributing."

  "Apparently not in this area so either your the only drug dealer in this area that's good enough in a sense or stupid enough to sell it. Either way I need to know that guys name."

  " Ok but just to remind you with the industry I’m in it's a bit like yours people aren't always that upfront with their real names. His name was Graham Watts and I only got the courtesy of knowing that because he rang me to meet up so he could get the score. So how bout it then darling we break out of here and go get a real drink."

  "Shit I knew it ok Mr. Fierce we don't have to be breaking out you can leave there is nothing else you can help us with at the moment. Thank you for co-operating."

  " Well hold up what was this all about then don't I get to know."

  " We believe he is our kidnapper and murderer of Jennifer York the young girl found in the park. If you happen to see him again or here from him do let us know."

  " Hey know worries I will I’ll make a few phone calls when I get in to some mates in the industry see if he trying to hook up any where else seen as it not something I usually supply. I'll let you know if I find anything out. I might do drugs but I don’t do murder and kidnapping of girls I’ll find out what ever I can"

  " Thank you Mr. Fierce that would be of great help your not like any other drug dealer I have met. I read your background sheet. How did you get mixed up in a world like this you went to a good school, a good college you went on to university and you passed so how did you end up a low life drug dealer, no offence."

  " None taken it's what I am I got mixed up in the whole scene at uni smoking a bit of weed to cope with the pressure when I left and graduated I thought what better way to make some money fast to pay off some uni debts. I got sucked into the whole world and the deeper I got the harder it was to get out. But I’ll have you know I may be a low life drug dealer but I am all clean I don't use. So what is your story then sweet heart."

  " My father was abusive he used to beat my mum pretty bad and I just decided that when I was older I wanted to put people like him away and that I would never let a man treat or control me like that. It's funny since I been doing this job I have seen plenty of women like my mum but they are all to blind by their fear that they take them back and drop charges so often that I don't feel like I make the slightest bit of difference. I don't need a man I can take care of myself don't need that stress."

  " Well good for you Detective and I’m sure you make more difference than what you realize. It's a shame you don't need a man because I know one that could do with a woman like you."

  " Mr. Fierc
e I’m sorry but I’m a Detective I can't be associated with a man like you."

  " Yeah I know and I don't suspect you want to be but unless you know someone that is willing to hire a 38 year old man with a dodgy past and no work record I’m stuck with the life I got baby."

  " Here take these they are just some numbers you should consider giving these people a ring they might be able to help rehabilitate you into normal society/ You’ve obviously picked up so good business skills, however unethical, I’m sure there are plenty of other jobs you could put your sales talents towards."

  " Hey yeah I will you know your real easy to talk to quite a stand up babe for a cop."

  Jane went slightly red at this point as they were outside the interview room and the whole office had heard what he said.

  "Erm thank you Mr. Fierce take care and call those numbers I gave you. My number is there as well if you happen to get that extra information or if you see him again. Thank you for your time and co-operation.

  " Your welcome Detective but please call me Perry."

  Jane went slightly a little more red at this point as Perry flashed her a smile and a wink as he walked away. Amy was walking over as well.

  "Boss I think that guy has taken a shine to you was he off any help?"

  "Unfortunately no he was given the same false name as our dog walker guy he said that's pretty common practice in the drug world any way. But at least we know now it's definitely our guy."

  "Detective, Detective I’m sorry mam but a report has just come in it seems as though another girl has been taken. She was snatched after having a lunchtime drink with her friends at her local. Do you think this could be our guy I mean he is early but seems rather odd and coincidental otherwise."

  "Oh god he's about to start again."

  Chapter 8

  Jane couldn't believe he had taken another girl surely not it was only the 24th and he said that they had until the 26th. But by now with all Jane's experience she should know that you should never trust a criminal, they never stick to their word. Still it wasn't for definite that it was there guy. Jane had sent Ian and Amy to talk to the cops at the scene to check out the circumstances. But until their murderer decides to accept responsibility they would never know for sure.

  By the time Ian and Amy had got back they were still none the wiser whether it was there guy and it was now 9:30pm. The victims were too different so far as to see whether they are connected. The girl that had gone missing was a 22 year old Valerie Brooks a slightly bigger than average brunette. She had been out for lunchtime drinks with friends when she had stepped out for some fresh air. Her friends went to see if she was ok when she had not returned after 10 minutes and she was no where to be seen. She hadn't spoken to any strangers inside the pub and nobody had bought her a drink. According to her friends she wasn't that way inclined to talk to or trust strangers. They were still collecting the CCTV footage from the one camera that worked at the pub, it was facing the completely wrong way but Jane was still hoping it had caught something. The bosses upstairs were fuming that another girl had been taken and it didn't look like they had made any headway with the first girl’s murder. Her supervisor was talking about bringing in the big boys to solve the case. Jane knew he was only saying this to piss her off hoping it would make her work faster but the truth of the matter was without no new leads they had nothing to go on. Jane was hoping the missing puzzle piece was going to be in the scrapings under Jennifer's nails. Hoping it would lead them to a location but unfortunately all that had returned was a concrete wall or floor that was painted with a generic white emulsion. They had nothing to go on and as much as Jane empathized with the pain and suffering of not only Valerie but her parents as well, but she secretly hoped it was there guy. There would be fresh evidence to work and hopefully in his haste to take someone earlier than planned he had slipped up somewhere.

  "Ok come on guys lets think what do we know about our killer. He is a white male in his 40's he is roughly 5.10 with a shoe size of 9. We know from Jack's description that he is off average build and average looking. Nothing about him stands out. He has dark greying hair and brown eyes. We know he owns a dark Ford Escort and he lives within the area. How many of our suspects fit that description?"

  "Were down to 6 a couple of them were far too tall or to short and fair, some were too young there is no way we could be that far off in description."

  "Ok well my favorite for this is still in that 6 so how about tomorrow we get the uniforms to go knock on all 6 doors just make something up like there has been some trouble in the neighborhood with burglaries so just make sure windows and doors are all kept locked. Each of these suspects have all been in trouble with the police before so even now when they might not be doing anything wrong a police presence will still make them nervous. But our guy he wont be nervous he was brass enough to walk up to the police station entrance to hand deliver a letter so a routine knock on the door shouldn't bother him. That should help narrow it down a bit. Come on guys lets head home and get some rest it's going to be a mine field tomorrow."

  "Hey Jane did you want a lift home?"

  "Yeah sure Amy if that's ok."

  Jane and Amy walked out to the car Amy was chatting on about how she shouldn't let the politics of the case or pressure from upstairs get her down or cloud her judgment. That she should know she was doing everything she could, everything that anybody could. But Jane however hard she tried her mind kept drifting back to Perry Fierce, as much trouble as he probably was Jane really couldn't help it after all he was rather good looking.

  "Jane are you ok you seem really distant tonight. If it's about me and Ian dating I’m sorry I was going to tell you I wont let it affect my work I promise. I know the police force frown on internal relationships and fraternization but oh I really am sorry."

  "Amy calm down I’m not bothered about you and Ian just keep it professional within the station and it will be fine. I think it's rather sweet have some fun girl."

  " Oh God thank you Jane so come on then are you going to spill the beans on you and that drug dealer or what. I didn't drive you home for nothing I want the gossip."

  "Amy gosh I should of known nothing comes for free. Nothing is going on we swapped some banter and flirty comments you know he is actually a decent guy that just got caught up in the wrong world when he was at university and now he doesn't know any different. I gave some numbers of some services that could help him but whether he chooses to or not is his decision he's on his own with that."

  "I'm pretty sure he had you in mind when it come to him changing Jane I think the whole station saw the way he looked at you, he was rather good looking."

  Jane slightly chuckled " Yes Amy your right there he was now come on we should get some rest I’ll speak to you in the morning. And Amy I really meant what I said enjoy it with you and Ian, have some fun life is too short not to."

  "Thanks Jane see you in the morning."

  Jane stepped into her kitchen and poured herself out a large glass of whisky; at the rate this case was going she would need a new bottle of Bells whisky by the end of tomorrow. She went and stepped into the nice hot shower that was running, as she stood and let the hot water run down over her aching body, the tension slowly easing from her muscles her thoughts once again drifted back to Perry. The carved muscles of his arms the well built chest and towering height. The sudden lust pumping through Jane’s veins was enough to make her feel slightly dizzy it had been a long time since she had been with anyone, well since her divorce five years earlier she hadn’t had any body serious in her life. She really did hope that Perry was serious about changing the chemistry that they had together was immense and it would be nice to have somebody to call on. As Jane got out of the shower and wrapped her dressing gown around her as tired as she was she knew she wasn't going to be sleeping any time soon. She went and curled up on the sofa, topping up her glass of whisky as she went by the kitchen, letting her thoughts drift towards the rippling muscles and the strong
arms of Perry imagining what it would be like to be wrapped up in them. Jane's phone went of with a bleep with a text message distracting her from what was turning out to be quite a pleasurable fantasy. To Jane's surprise and excitement it wasn't anybody from work or to do with work as such it was Perry. Jane sat for a few minutes and tingled with excitement as she re read Perry's text for the fifth time. As she read the realization of what he had put began to sink in. He was kind enough to give her an update he had quit from his supplier was putting his flat up for sale and was going to move out the area. He wanted a fresh start, who could blame him he hadn’t exactly got of to the best start, but Jane couldn't help feeling a little hope that he wanted her in that new start. Before Jane could think of the consequences she text Perry back asking if he wanted to come over. Jane suddenly felt sick with nerves and anticipation but before she knew it her phone was ringing.

  " Jane it's Perry are you sure you want me to come over I mean I know you must be very tired and busy. I would really like to see you though but no pressure."