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The Organisation (Detective Jane Sparrow Book 1) Page 2

  "Mr. and Mrs. York I’m not sure if your aware but there was a body of a young girl found in a local park last night not far from here. I'm very sorry to have to tell you this but we confirmed the identity of the young girl to be your daughter. We are exceptionally sorry for your loss we are doing everything possible to find the person responsible for this. Is there anybody we can call for you to be with you at such a devastating time?"

  "No, No, No you have to have it wrong it can't be our Jennifer not my Jennifer please God tell me your wrong, tell me Jennifer is still alive please God No."

  "I'm sorry Mrs. York…

  Jane didn't even get the chance to finish her sentence when Mrs. York collapsed to the floor from the chair she was sitting on and let out a gut wrenching hail that bought tears to Jane's eyes. Mr. York stood there completely dumbfounded by the news and in complete and utter shock. Jane and Amy sat there for a few moments in silence waiting, letting them have this moment of grief to themselves. Amy got up to go make a cup of tea and then the silence was broken.

  "Did she suffer?"

  "Mr. York it's best to try not and think of her like that remember the way she lived those are the memories you are going to want to keep. We confirmed her ID through her medical records and dental records but we understand if you would like to go see her. I'm really sorry to have to ask this of you at such a time especially so close after losing Jennifer but we would really like to start the hunt for this guy and as much information we can gather would really help. Are you up for answering some questions?"

  "Yes, Yes of course how ever we can aid your investigation, that's all we can do for Jennifer now."

  "Thank you Mr. and Mrs. York I’ll try to make this as quick as possible for you. Do you happen to know if Jennifer was having any problems with anyone, any trouble, disagreements that she might of had. Perhaps someone that was paying too much attention to her, anything that was worrying her at all?"

  "Oh there was this one guy. Jennifer used to work down the local supermarket, one of the supervisors there, he was a lot older than her, and he made some suggestive comments towards her. Jennifer was really freaked out about it and she told the manager about it and it led to him being fired. I'm sorry I didn't tell you before James she knew how you would react."

  'Too right as well especially now I should of protected her better. This is all my fault I was the one that made her take that stupid job, trying to teach her about responsibility I could of opened her right up to him, I might as well of handed her on a plate."

  "Mr. York please don't do that to yourself it offers no help to the investigation or you or your wife. You were trying to raise your daughter properly, teaching her the value of money, teaching her responsibility and the difference between right and wrong. You were doing what any good parent would do. You are in no way responsible or to blame for what happened to your daughter."

  "Well said Amy. Do you happen to know the name of that employee that made a pass at Jennifer?"

  "Yes I believe his name was William Spear but you would have to double check the supermarket with that just to make sure."

  " Thank you Mr. and Mrs. York you have been of great help. We really are sorry for your loss is there anybody that we can call to come sit with you?"

  "No Jennifer was all we had. You mentioned that we would be able to go see her, I need to see her."

  "Of course Mrs. York I’ll arrange a time with the coroner and send a police car to come pick you up and take you. I'll speak to you both shortly."

  "Thank you Detective."

  Both Jane and Amy stepped back into the car seeming if possible more heavy hearted than when they arrived. The amount of pain and suffering this guy had caused the York family was overbearing and would last a lifetime for all of them. Mr. York was a broke man and Mrs. York was like a lost ship at sea without a crew and no light to guide her home. They both obviously lived for their daughter. Jane and Amy drove on at first neither realizing what direction they were heading in. They decided to go back to the station they could check on Ian's progress and make sure there was no updates from forensic or toxicology. Jane was hoping to catch the manager of the supermarket as well before the day ended she really wanted to get hold of William Spears work record and hopefully they wont get too fussy and ask for a warrant. Jane was not in the mood to be playing around with such things. They walked into the station and the flurry of work began again.

  Chapter 4

  They arrived back at the station both still too exhausted to talk; the parent's grief had weighed down on them a lot this time. Amy walked straight over to the coffee and poured out two large mugs of black coffee, as much as the station coffee tasted disgusting they both needed something.

  "Here you go Jane you look as though you could do with one of these."

  "Thanks Amy that was exhausting their grief you did great in there by the way I’m never very good with grieving parent's so thanks’ it was nice having someone around who knew the right thing to say."

  "Ah don't mention it, I have a 3 year old little girl it makes you empathize more especially when it comes to the loved ones of a lost child."

  "Yeah it definitely does, I didn't know you had a child what's her name?"

  " Lilly-Anne, yeah me and her dad split up so it's just us most people judge me when I tell them because I’m still young and a single mum and stuff but she is my world I wouldn't change it."

  "Good for you Amy I certainly wouldn't judge I think your brave I certainly couldn't do it even now and I’m 40. Hey have you got that number for that supermarket I want to give the manager a call before he leaves for the night."

  "Yeah sure here it is."

  As Jane sat on the phone talking to the supermarket manager Amy sat and thought to herself about the York parents. She couldn't imagine what they were going through and really didn't want to. The mum was full of shock and grief at the loss of her daughter; the deep cry that she let out would be one that haunted Amy for a long time. But there was something about the father he seemed a broken man but perhaps just a little bit too calm. Other than his one outburst the only other question he had was did she suffer. Most parents’ that Amy had ever seen especially the father's they normally get angry and start demanding answers straight away wanting to know what the police are doing. Mrs. York couldn't stop crying but he just sat there. Perhaps after four days of not knowing you assume and except the worse, but to Amy it still seemed odd.

  "Amy, Amy your never guess what that William Spear was fired 3 moths ago he lives about a mile away from Jennifer's house and he drives a dark blue Ford Escort 58 plate. Where's Ian, Ian?"

  "Yes boss right here."

  "Ian did you finish compiling that list from the DMV of all white males between the ages of 35-50 that drive a dark Ford Escort. Would there happen to be a man on it by the name of William Spear?"

  "Hold on yes here he is. 42-year-old white male, blue Ford escort. Does he have a tie to our victim?"

  "Yes he used to be a supervisor at the local supermarket where our victim used to work. He was dismissed because of her. He lives a mile away from her house and in the other direction is about half a mile before you reach the college. It all fits have you spoke to the forensic team or the coroner any more?"

  "Yes and your not going to like it the problem we have because he had her for so long and he had pretty much drained her of all blood they couldn't get an accurate toxicology result. We have no idea whether she had been drinking at that party or whether she had been slipped something from there best guess by some of the damage to the lungs and heart rohypnol probably slipped into an alcoholic drink it can cause problems with breathing and low blood pressure.

  "Rohypnol, well the coroner said there was no evidence of sexual assault so perhaps it was just given to her to make her more lucid, to get her out the party easier more confused. Do you know if anyone at the party saw an older man hanging around perhaps our William Spear? Perhaps if we could get a photo over to the college get a photo
shown around to her friends and the people at that party see if anyone recognizes him. Oh and Ian get onto the drug department see if they know of any dealers that have been selling rohypnol. Me and Amy are going to go have a word with this William Spear."

  "Are you sure that's safe he could be our guy?"

  "Ian I’ll take care of her there is no need to worry."

  "We have spoke to some of the college friends that were at that party just to see how Jennifer managed to disappear and from what they said Jennifer wasn't there long she had two drinks came over feeling unwell and rather than waiting for her father to pick her up at the arranged time she left early to walk home and get some fresh air were going over there now to get more detailed statements and I’ll show that photo round. I'll let you know how we get on."

  Amy and Jane stepped back into the car neither of them had even had the chance to finish their coffee. They drove over to this William Spear's address and the first thing that they noticed was that even though it was only a mile from Jennifer's parents house it definitely wasn't as nice area. Most of the front gardens and the houses looked run down and unkempt, garbage sat out on the pavement as though it was a permanent fixture. There was even an abandoned sofa on someone’s front lawn, which looked and smelt like it was a local pissing ground for the foxes and cats. They stepped out the car at William's address and approached the front door.

  "Hi there are you Mr. William Spear?"

  "Yes I am who can I ask am I talking to?"

  "Sorry their Mr. Spear I am Detective Jane Sparrow and this is Pc Amy Wilkes. No need to be alarmed Mr. Spear were just here to make some enquiries. I don't know if you heard about the young girl murdered in the park, well we identified her as Jennifer York."

  " Oh god she was such a sweet girl. How are her parent's doing I bet they are devastated she was their only child. I know why your here and I completely understand I’m willing to help how ever I can. The disagreement we had is not what you think I know I was fired but let me explain would you like to come in?"

  " Sure Mr. Spear thank you we would like to speak to you about that. It's just Mrs. York painted quite a clear picture for us that you had made some inappropriate comments towards her daughter which really freaked her out and she complained to management. So as you have already said you can understand what led us here."

  "Of course, of course I’m glad to help in anyway. But you must know the inappropriate comments I made were not about Jennifer, nothing sexual towards her at all. I'm old enough to be her father; the comments I made were about her dad. A couple of the other young girls that work at the supermarket complained to me that when ever her father came in he used to stare and really creep them out. One day Jennifer and me were talking about her father she was moaning about how uptight he was and I mentioned what the other girls had said I asked her what the deal with her dad was and she completely freaked out. Next thing I know I’m being hauled into the manager's office, the other young girls did back my story up of what had happened but they said that it was in my best interests to take the redundancy package that they offered. Leave quietly rather than let Mr. York hear about the remarks he is a lawyer after all and the supermarket didn't want him on their hands."

  "Oh right thank you Mr. Spears. Just one more question your cars Mr. Spears you drive a blue Ford escort a 58 plate I believe?"

  "Yes I did, it was stolen about a week and an a half ago. As you can see I don't live in the nicest of areas. I had it less than a month when it was taken, I believe it was the newest car down this street, one morning I got up and it was gone I filed a police report. Some of your guys thought it were kids."

  "Ok thanks Mr. Spears were look into that for you, you have been a great help thank you for your time. Take care."

  " Your welcome any more questions please don't hesitate to stop by I really am sorry about Jennifer."

  Jane and Amy walked back to the car both with buzzing heads filled with more questions than answers.

  "Well what do you think what shall we do now."

  "Well I did have a funny feeling about the father after we left the house but I couldn't put my finger on what it was. It was just a funny vibe perhaps this is it. We should look into that stolen car report and the claims he made about Jennifer's father. Do you want to head back to the station?"

  "No come on let's go home neither of us have been home much in nearly two days. We need rest and to be able to look at this with fresh eyes tomorrow. I'm still keeping William as a suspect I still really like him for this but at the moment we can't disregard any avenue of investigation."

  "Right you are Jane I could do with a nice hot shower and some sleep."

  " Oh Amy do me a favor first before you do go to sleep ring Ian to let him know your ok he was worried about our safety before we left. My bet is he has taken a shine to you my dear."

  They drove the rest of the way in silence Amy looked and felt a little flushed with embarrassment from Jane's last comment, but they were both exhausted too, not just from the physical aspect of the work but also mentally. The realization that despite all the hard work so far, all question's asked all phone calls made, banging on doors and forensics they were still no closer to catching this guy. And as to no clue when or if he would kidnap and kill again all they can do is await his game.

  After a long hot soak in the bath, another round of cigarettes and whisky which was such a bad habit for a woman, a long hot soak in the bath and a good night's rest Jane again awoke from her stupor to the sound of her phone ringing.

  "Jane sorry it's Amy here Ian just called from the station a letter has been delivered. It was addressed just to the station so he opened it and then freaked out because it was meant for you and because it from our killer. Your right Jane he definitely has a message and it seems to be for you."

  "Oh great one that likes to communicate do you know if it was just sent to us or have any media outlets received any letter. Has anyone else apart from Ian touched it?"

  "As far as we can tell it's just us so far no media outlets have come forward to say that they have received any letters. No one but Ian, the letter is on your desk awaiting your arrival."

  "Good, good we might be able to get some useable prints and still keep the media in a blackout."

  "Swing by and pick you up in 10 coffee?"

  "Fantastic Amy you’re a God send see you in 10."

  "Oh and Jane can you do me a personal favor go lightly on Ian when we get to the station he feels really bad already that he made such a rookie mistake. I'd really appreciate it if you could."

  "Amy stop it's fine don't worry I wont lay into him to be honest it was a mistake that any one of us would of made don't worry I’ll see you in 10."

  Jane sat there and had to chuckle to herself slightly despite everything that was going on romance was still able to blossom perhaps there was a chance for herself. She also had to think that this bloke was rather eager a letter already after only one body this guy really was moving fast they were going to need to catch up and soon. Again Amy was there in ten minutes with a steaming cup of black coffee and a running update of everything. The letter was awaiting her arrival on her desk; the lab was on stand by to collect and dust for prints a linguistic expert was on hand to discuss anything the killer might give away in the type of language he uses. All that Jane needed to do was read it and take a photocopy or what ever else she needed to do with it before the lab could take it.

  "Jane, Jane you awake there were here aren't you coming in?"

  "Yeah sorry Amy I was lost there in a world of thought."

  "Detective I'm so sorry I didn't realize that it was meant for you it just had the station's address on the envelope. I'm so sorry I really hope I haven't messed up any prints."

  "Ian relax, breath, and calm down it's one of them things any one of us that come in could of done that. So just relax and tell me is there any way to track where it was sent from?"

  "Well that's the thing it had no post marks on it so we can
t trace it back to an office or anything it must of been hand delivered. Which at least we know he lives local enough to do that. I'll check with cctv see whether the cameras were able to pick anything up."

  "Thanks Ian that would be great. I don't think were going to get any prints any way. I don't think he would be careless enough to leave any behind."

  "Your right I don't think he would but best to be on the safe side from now on gloves and get it checked don't want any more contamination of evidence."

  As Jane sat down she was shocked and surprised to discover that the letter was hand written. Once they have a suspect they might be able to get an expert to compare handwriting. The other thing that she noticed was that the paper was not cheap it was thick, expensive looking. Jane thought the lab might be able to take a sample and see if they could match it to a specific manufacturer. She began to read,