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The Organisation (Detective Jane Sparrow Book 1) Page 17

  “Amy where did Tad go?”

  “He was shot the SWAT team escorted him out to a waiting ambulance where he was handcuffed to the bed and given an armed escort to a not so close hospital as your going to. As soon as he is assessed and stable the armed escort will take him to a prison hospital where he will be kept. He is not going to be at the same hospital as you or Layla so don’t worry just get some rest.”

  With that Jane laid her head back down and let the paramedics shut the ambulance doors so they could move her off to the hospital. Jane couldn’t describe the unsettled feeling she had or why. She should feel relief she was saved just like she said she was going to be. They rescued the fifteen-year-old girl and Tad had been shot and was going to remain in police custody. But Jane’s nerved still felt shot. But I suppose after being held captive, tortured and drugged its not as though she would be seeing rainbows and butterflies straight away. She was glad Perry was there though. Jane never felt safer than when she was with Perry. The pain relief was starting to kick in now and it was making Jane drowsy there was nothing more she could do but close her eyes and let sleep take hold of her for a while.

  Jane awoke to the sound of several heart monitoring machines and low talking. Perry, Ian, Amy and her Supervisor were all waiting outside her door discussing something but Jane couldn’t quite make out the words. Between the hum of machines and beeping and the dull throbbing that encased all of Jane’s body she couldn’t get her brain to concentrate on anything. Jane looked around and found herself in a private room hooked up to a couple of drips. One she could assume was just a saline solution as she must have been dehydrated she hadn’t eaten or drank for the whole time. The other she guessed was some kind of pain relief. When she looked back up again for a second time at the door she realized Perry was looking at her and knew she was awake.

  “Jane how are you feeling do you need anything?”

  “Water, my mouth it’s so dry and pain relief. How do I get this to work?”

  Jane was motioning at the second drip that she assumed was pain relief hoping that Perry would know how to get more into her. The dull ache that had incased her whole body was starting to turn into a burning pain in some especially in her arms.

  “I’ll get the nurse.”

  Perry exited the room and came back with a nurse, a doctor and Amy in tow.

  ‘Hi Jane I am Doctor Ericson I hear your in discomfort at the moment so the nurse will show you how to manage your morphine drip. As for the water I am afraid you’re going to have to hold off for the moment. While you were sleeping we managed to get some x-rays done. Now you have three broken ribs a crack to your left cheekbone and more obviously both your shoulders are dislocated. The problem we have your shoulders have been dislocated for too long that the tendons that normally hold them in place have been torn and over stretched from the way they were hanging at your side. We are going to have to take you into surgery so we can manipulate your shoulders back in place and repair some of the damage to the tendons and ligaments that hold them in place. Do you understand?”

  “Yes Doctor thank you. When will I go down for surgery? Will my ribs and cheek heal on their own?”

  “We have a time slot for your surgery in an hour so the anesthetist will be along to prep you shortly. And yes your ribs and cheek should heal well enough on their own. Ok get some rest I will see you shortly.”

  The doctor left the room and the nurse stepped up to the bed.

  “To work your morphine drip you just push the button on the panel. Don’t worry about pushing it too much or too often it only gives a certain amount and only administers at certain time intervals so you cant overdose. I’ll push it for you now you should start to feel more comfortable soon ok.”

  “Thank you nurse.”

  With that the nurse left the room and Jane was left with both Perry and Amy staring at her with deep concern.

  “Don’t worry I will be fine I will be right as rain as soon as they fix my shoulders. How is Layla?”

  “Doing well asking after you. You seemed to have made quite an impression on the girl. They managed to clean and dress all her wounds. So she is stable and doing well. Very tearful obviously we can’t tell her what is going to happen to her now. Her father will obviously be charged for involvement and as for the mother I’m not sure it will be deemed that she can go back to custody with her either. So at the moment a child advocate is with her.”

  “Ok good as long as injury wise she is healing well we can help deal with the rest later. Thanks Amy.”

  “No problem boss get some rest. I’ll check in with you after you have had your surgery ok.”

  With that Jane was just left with Perry who was very quiet sitting in the chair. He looked very beat and ground down. Jane imagined he looked as bad as what she felt.


  “Hey there my sweet little skirt. You ok?”

  “Are you?”

  “Yeah it’s been a rough couple of days I thought I’d lost you. And well all the dads have been spilling their guts. That’s what your supervisor was doing here keeping Ian and Amy updated. The dads spilled what they were planning on doing to you and it just makes my insides boil with rage. I’m quite glad the SWAT team shot the one they did.”

  “Why who did they shoot some one other than Tad?”

  “Yeah one of the men was called Charles. When they entered the living room all the rest were co-operative he wasn’t so much and ended up taking a bullet to the chest.”

  Jane couldn’t help but let the relief flood over her. She hated to admit it and she wasn’t one who normally scared easily but the venom in his voice when he threatened to rape her had chilled her to her bones.

  “You seemed so relieved at that I take it that was one step to making you feel safer and better that I can tick of my list.”

  “Definitely knowing he is gone and never coming back.”

  The anesthetist entered the room and went about doing his checks and asking Jane some routine questions. Throughout the whole time he was there Perry never let go of her hand. The relief he had obviously seen on Jane’s face had gone some ways to making him feel better that she was going to be ok. It was silly that at a time when Jane should only be concentrating on making sure she was going to be ok all she could think of was Perry. And Layla spending that time with her is such a situation had really bought them close together and Jane was concerned as to what was going to happen to her now. The anesthetist told Jane he had all the details that he needed and that soon someone would be there to collect her for theatre. Jane thanked him as he left but Perry was staring at her quizzically again.

  “What is it?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “When he was doing his checks you were thinking of something and you looked worried are you in pain do you need anything?”

  “No pain at the moment I was thinking of Layla. I have become quite attached to the young girl she is so strong amazingly so and I’m worried as to where she is going to end up now I certainly don’t want her back with her mum. But a fifteen year old entering the foster system with her background people will think she is too much trouble and she wont ever leave it.”

  “Don’t worry like you said earlier lets just concentrate on getting you better and then we will help Layla ok. You and me will were see what we can do for her ok. Don’t worry.”

  “Thanks Perry.”

  “And besides we got to get you better and looking more presentable my mother and son want to see the woman that has had me off running with the police.”

  Jane couldn’t help but let out a small-terrified chuckle at that. She knew eventually she was going to meet Perry’s family but what if they didn’t like her or thought she was too much work or bad news for him. And his son if they didn’t get on that could mean the end for her and Perry. Jane could tell Perry was enjoying seeing the panic well behind her eyes as her brain processed it but to Jane’s relief the porter arrived to take her to surgery before he could fully
appreciate it. Perry walked alongside her trolley for as far as he could go he left her with a kiss and a good luck. A see you soon angel. Jane was wheeled into the preparation room for surgery where the anesthetist went about putting her to sleep.

  ‘Ok Jane just keep taking nice deep breaths for me I’m injecting you now and I’m going to start counting backwards. 10 9 8 7 6 and that was all she heard.

  Chapter 20

  Jane awoke from surgery back in her private room Perry had left but both Ian and Amy were there.

  “Hey detective how you feeling?”

  “Groggy still and uncomfortable where is Perry?”

  “He went home quickly to shower, change and check in with his mum and son he is coming back don’t worry.”

  “Ok the surgery it went ok I take it any news on Tad and charges what is happening with the case.”

  “Jane stay calm you don’t need to be worrying about any of that it is all under control. Your surgery went great no complications and you should heal up perfectly fine. Tad is still in police custody at a different hospital they had to remove the bullet. So once the doctor had cleared him for transport he will be taken to a prison hospital for the rest of his treatment and held for trial. The rest of the fathers have all been placed under arrest places for them are being found now. The mums are also being charged for conspiracy aiding and abetting criminal activity and negligence what ever charges the judge can make stick.”

  “Oh good so how did Layla take the news about her parents is she still ok?”

  “Layla is doing well healing up really good the doctors are really pleased with her. She has been told about her parent’s the child advocate is with her now explaining the process as to what happens to her now. She has no other immediate family that can be found at the moment but they are still looking.”

  “Ok that’s one thing I suppose how long have I got to stay in here for.”

  “I don’t know let me go find the doctor and I’m sure he will be able to explain.”

  Ian and Amy left the room Jane was pleased for the silence for a few minutes. Her brain was exceptionally foggy and she was finding it hard to concentrate Jane definitely could never be a drug addict all the ones she had had in her system over the last few days had not left her feeling great. And her nerves were all on edge still she didn’t want Ian or Amy to see how emotionally fragile she was the events had really scared her and Jane was finding it hard to stay calm. As much as all threats seemed to have been eliminated the memories of what had happened were still too fresh. Jane was getting more and more anxious by the minute and found she was starting to hyperventilate. The venomous threat from Charles at rape, the sneer of tad as he taunted her and smacked her across the face. The look in Mr. York’s face as he stepped forward with his knuckle dusters in place and smashed Jane’s ribs to pieces. Listening to the screams of Layla as they sliced her open and let rats feed on her. Not being able to do anything went against every moral fiber in her body. The sounds of the fifteen-year-old girl screaming would haunt Jane for a while. Before Jane could realize how much of a panic she was getting herself into, tears streaming down her face, breathing at a fast rate a white clenched knuckled to the bed she was no longer alone. Ian, Amy and the doctor had entered the room.

  “Ok Jane you need to calm I’m going to bring an oxygen mask over your mouth. Just take deep, long slow breaths ok. Slow your breathing. Relax your safe your going to be fine. Layla is going to be fine just nice deep breaths ok Detective keep breathing stay with me. Can you talk?”

  Jane nodded but was unsure as to how to calm down now that she had started. Amy was on the opposite side of the bed and squeezed Jane’s hand with a reassuring smile.

  “Jane are you in pain any discomfort anywhere?”

  “My chest is hurting, pain I’m sorry I finding it hard to breathe my ribs I panicked I made it worse.”

  “Ok it’s not a problem your ribs are going to hurt with breathing that fast slow it down for me Jane. I’ll push the button for you to administer more morphine but you need to relax ok.”

  “Come on Jane you can do it your safe I promise you. Do you trust me I wont let anything hurt you anymore ok Perry will be back in a little while? Were all here for you.”

  “Thank you Amy I’m sorry don’t like hospitals no offence Doc. When can I go home?”

  “In a couple of days were let your body recover from all the drugs that have been in your system let you heal from surgery. Your be on complete bed rest for another week after and no work for six weeks ok. It’s going to take time Detective. How are you feeling a bit calmer now?”

  “Yes thank you Doctor”

  Jane couldn’t help but feel slightly embarrassed that she had got herself into such a state but was grateful all the same for Amy who was still holding her hand.

  “Get some rest detective me and Ian will be here and when you wake again we will still be here and Perry will be back. Rest your safe.”

  Jane could only nod in agreement as she let sleep take over her body. You wouldn’t think that she had had nearly three days worth of drug induced sleep as she felt like she hadn’t slept for a week.

  Jane drifted in and out of consciousness from her sleep for how long she couldn’t tell. Each time she tried to wake her body sucked her back under telling her she needed more. Each time she tried to wake she caught snippets of conversations of the people that were in her room. True to Amy’s word she and Ian were still there, Perry had arrived back. From what she could gather they were discussing Jane’s panic attack from earlier which made Jane only want to drift away from the conversation more. The next time Jane tried to wake she could no longer make out Ian but Perry, Amy and now her supervisor were there. The snippets she caught out of their conversation were about Tad he had been moved to the prison hospital ward and there was concern as to why Jane was staying asleep for so long. It had been almost fourteen hours. Jane was shocked to hear this but still she couldn’t bring herself to wake fully and she was sucked back into her slumber. Jane didn’t stir again until she woke with a start from a nightmare. Jane tried to compose herself and remember where she was. She found herself awake in quite a dark hospital room but to her relief she was not alone. Perry was curled asleep on the armchair in the room. Jane was just glad it was the hospital she had a nightmare of being strapped back down to the metal bed frame and that she hadn’t made it out of Tad’s basement yet. Jane buzzed for assistance as quietly as she could as she found herself thirsty, as she still hadn’t had any water.

  “Jane your awake that’s good I’m Nurse Keller we met when you first came in. The Doctor will want to see you shortly to check on you but is there anything I can get you?”

  “Water please. My mouth is really dry. What time is it?”

  “Four in the morning. Doctor’s rounds start at six so you have a couple of hours if you want to get some more rest. You have been asleep for nearly eighteen hours you had us worried for a while. Are you feeling ok any pain? Any anxiety at all?”

  “Little bit of pain but no anxiety like before.”

  “Ok that’s good I’ll administer some more morphine for you and get you some water.”

  With that the nurse left the room. Perry had awoke in the corner and was staring at Jane with a look of deep concern but also a touch of relief that she was awake.

  “Glad to see you in the land of the living once more my sweet little skirt.”

  ‘It’s good to see you to Perry.”

  “I’m sorry I should of waited till you was awake before I left. Ian and Amy were here so I knew you weren’t going to wake on your own. I’m sorry if my absence made it worse.”

  “Don’t say sorry it was one of my weaker moments my mind isn’t always kind to me. It had been a long few days and the anesthetic wearing off out my system and everything just made me feel exceptionally strange and I panicked don’t worry.”

  “It’s not a weaker moment if anything you deserve a few. Let someone take care of you for a change. You
need to learn to rely on others you cant always be so fiercely independent.”

  “Yes sir. Try not to tell me off I don’t have the strength to argue back yet.”

  Perry couldn’t help but chuckle at that.

  “Good I’ll get you to agree to a few more things then while I’m here. Like your not going home when you come out of hospital your bed bound for a week so your coming home with me so I can look after you. You’re taking at least six weeks off work and when you’re well enough I am taking you on holiday so you can soak up some much needed sun. Anything else I deem fit to make you feel better goes.”

  “Again I concede with a yes sir because I focus my brain enough to come up with a good argument. For tonight that is.”

  The nurse stepped back into the room with a jug of fresh water for Jane and a cup with a straw. She poured Jane out a glass and placed it on the table that could swing over Jane’s bed.

  “Take small sips Jane it has been a few days since you took any proper fluids like this so take it slow or your make yourself sick ok.”

  “Thank you Nurse Keller.”

  Jane took a few timid sips of her water. As much as thirst was calling at her and the dryness in her throat and mouth the nurses words had played on her and she was nervous to take too much too fast. After a few sips Jane decided to see how that settled. Jane was also exceptionally hungry although she thought she best wait until the Doctor has seen her before asking for food. Plus she wasn’t anywhere keen on getting hospital food. That was definitely one thing about hospitals that she didn’t think anyone was keen on.

  Doctor Ericson had come round to see Jane by half seven told her she could have some food and that she was making excellent progress. He told her she was going to need physio on her shoulders one appointment a week starting from next week for six. If all were still well Jane would be discharged tomorrow. Jane asked Perry to go to her flat and pick her up some fresh clothes. Amy had just arrived to sit with her with Jack so she would be fine while he was gone. Perry begrudgingly accepted the opportunity but Jane could tell he was nervous about leaving her on her own.